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Householder orthogonal reflexion matrix. Symetrical wrt a plane


householder() // demo
u = householder(v [,w])
[u, H] = householder(v [,w])



real or complex column vector


real or complex column vector with same size as v. Default value is eye(v) ((Ox) axis).


unit vector lying in the (v,w) plane and orthogonal to the bisectrix of (v,w). Column of size(v) of real or complex numbers.


Orthogonal Householder reflexion matrix: H= eye() - 2*u*u'. H is such that inv(H)==H, H'==H, and det(H)==-1.

If v and w are real, H*v is proportional to w.


householder(..) computes the unit vector u lying in the (v,w) plane and orthogonal to the bisectrix of (v,w).

If v and w are proportional:

  • If they are opposite, u= v/|v| is returned.

  • If they are real and have the same direction, u is set in the (xOy) plane with a priori u(1)>0, and orthogonal to v (u'*v==0). However,
    • If they are along (Ox), u = (Oy+) is returned instead.
    • If v and w are scalars with same signs, the orthogonal sub-space is restricted to {0} that can't be normalized: u and H are then set to %nan.

If the related reflexion matrix H is computed, for any point A of column coordinates a, H*a are the coordinates of the symetrical image of A with respect to the (v,w) plane (see the example below).
If v or/and w are in row, they are priorly transposed into columns.
If v or/and w are [], [] is returned for u and H.


a = [ rand(1,1) 0  0 ]';
[ra hm] = householder(a);
[a ra hm*a ]

b = rand(3,1);
[rb, hm] = householder(b);
[b rb eye(b) clean(hm*b) ]

[rb2b, hm] = householder(b, 2*b);
[b rb2b clean(hm*b ./ b) ]  // last column must be uniform
norm(rb2b)                  // must be 1

c = rand(3,1);
[rbc, hm] = householder(b,c);
norm(rbc)          // must be 1
hm*b ./c           // must be uniform

d = b + %i*c;
e = rand(3,1) + %i*rand(3,1);
[rde, hm] = householder(d,e);
norm(rbc)               // must be 1
clean(inv(hm) - hm)     // must be zeros(3,3)
clean(hm' - hm)         // must be zeros(3,3)
clean(det(hm))          // must be -1

Application: Symetrical image of an object w.r.t. a given plane

// (OA) = [0 0 1] is reflected in O into (OB) = [ 1 1 0.3 ]:
[n, H] = householder([0 0 1]', [ 1 1 0.3 ]');
// "n" is the unit vector orthogonal to the reflecting plane

// Emitting object (feature from shell demo):
u = linspace(0,2*%pi,40);
v = linspace(0,2*%pi,20);
Xe = (cos(u).*u)'*(1+cos(v)/2)+10;
Ye = (u/2)'*sin(v);
Ze = (sin(u).*u)'*(1+cos(v)/2);

// Symetrical object:
Pe = [ Xe(:)' ; Ye(:)' ; Ze(:)'];
Pr = H*Pe;
Xr = matrix(Pr(1,:),40,-1);
Yr = matrix(Pr(2,:),40,-1);
Zr = matrix(Pr(3,:),40,-1);

// Reflecting plane containing O: n(1).x + n(2).y + n(3).z = 0
//   Sampling space:
x = linspace(min([Xe(:);Xr(:)]), max([Xe(:);Xr(:)]),20);
y = linspace(min([Ye(:);Yr(:)]), max([Ye(:);Yr(:)]),20);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
//   Generating the mirror:
deff("z = mirror(x,y,n)","z = -n(1)/n(3)*x - n(2)/n(3)*y")
Zm = mirror(X,Y,n);

// Plotting:
f = gcf();
f.color_map = [ 0.8 0.8 0.8 ; jet(100)];
a = gca();
a.rotation_angles = [74 123];
a.children.color_flag = 0;
a.children.color_mode = 0;
a.children(1).foreground = color("red");
a.children(2).foreground = 1;
a.children(3).foreground = color("green");

See also

  • proj — projeção
  • orthProj — Computes the orthogonal projection of a point to a polyline in the plane.
  • scaling — transformação afim de um conjunto de pontos
  • qr — QR decomposição
  • givens — transformação de Givens



Householder reflexion matrix added as second output parameter. Demo householder() added. Help page reviewed.

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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:51 CEST 2024