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Legend entity properties

description of the Legend entity properties.


The Legend entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for legends drawn below plot2dx graphs or created by the legend function. For selected line plotted, the legend shows a sample of the line type, marker symbol, and color.


This property contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the legend entity should be of the type "Compound". This Compound entity contains also the remainder of the graph's entities.


This property contains a vector with the children of the handle. However, legend handles currently do not have any children.


This field contains the visible property value for the entity . It should be "on" or "off" . If "on" the legend is drawn , If "off" the legend is not displayed on the screen.


This field is the character string vector which contains the legends for each annotated objects.


the interpreter to be used to render the strings, given as a matrix of the same size and dimensions as the text property, with elements chosen among "auto" (the default), "latex", "mathml", "none". See LaTeX expressions


It is a scalar specifying the displayed characters size. If fractional_font property is "off" only the integer part of the value is used. For more information see graphics_fonts.


Specifies the font used to display the legend labels. This is a positive integer referencing one of the loaded fonts. Its value must be between 0, referencing the first font, and the number of loaded fonts minus one, referencing the last font. For more information see graphics_fonts.


A color index, this property determines the color of the text.


This property specify whether text is displayed using fractional font sizes. Its value must be either "on" or "off". If "on" the floating point value of font_size is used for display and the font is anti-aliased. If "off" only the integer part is used and the font is not smoothed.


A row array of handles. They refer to the associated polylines.


A character string, specifies the location of the Legend.

  • "in_upper_right": captions are drawn in the upper right corner of the axes box.

  • "in_upper_left": captions are drawn in the upper left corner of the axes box.

  • "in_lower_right": captions are drawn in the lower right corner of the axes box.

  • "in_lower_left": captions are drawn in the lower left corner of the axes box.

  • "out_upper_right": captions are drawn at the right of the upper right corner of the axes box.

  • "out_upper_left": captions are drawn at the left of the upper left corner of the axes box.

  • "out_lower_right": captions are drawn at the right of the lower right corner of the axes box.

  • "out_lower_left": captions are drawn at the left of the lower left corner of the axes box.

  • "upper_caption": captions are drawn above the upper left corner of the axes box.

  • "lower_caption": captions are drawn below the lower left corner of the axes box. This option correspond to the leg argument of plot2d

  • "by_coordinates": the upper left corner of the captions box is given by the "position" field of the associated data structure. The x and y positions are given as fractions of the axes_bounds.


The coordinates of the upper left corner of the legend. The x and y positions are given as fractions of the axes_bounds sizes. This field may be set if legend_location=="by_coordinates" or get for the other legend_location settings.

The following instructions can be used to transform these coordinates (position) to user coordinates ((x_user, y_user) or conversely.

as=get(gcf(),"axes_size");//size of the canvas in pixels
bnds=get(gca(),"axes_bounds");//bounds of the current axes rectangle in figure size ratio.
//from legend coordinates to user coordinates
//from   user coordinates to legend coordinates

This field specifies the width (in axes coordinates) of the line shown in the legend. This value is a real between 0 and 1.


This field specifies if a rectangle is drawn around the legend or not. It should be "on" or "off". If "on" the rectangle is drawn using the following properties.


This property is a positive real specifying the surrounding rectangle shape width in pixels. The displayed width is actually determined by rounding the supplied width to the nearest integer. The only exception is vectorial export where the whole thickness value is considered.


This field gives the color index of the line used to draw the rectangle shape.


This field specifies if the legend background is painted or not. It should be "on" or "off". If "on" the background is painted using the color index set in the background field.


This field gives the color index of the line used to paint the rectangle area.


This property is an integer between 0 and 3 which specifies the number of marks to show in the legend.


This field contains the default clip_state property value for all objects. Its value should be :

  • "off" this means that all objects created after that are not clipped (default value).

  • "clipgrf" this means that all objects created after that are clipped outside the Axes boundaries.

  • "on" this means that all objects created after that are clipped outside the rectangle given by property clip_box.


This field contains the default clip_box property value for all objects. Its value should be an empty matrix if clip_state is "off". Other case the clipping is given by the vector [x,y,w,h] (upper-left point width height).


This field can be use to store any scilab variable in the text data structure, and to retrieve it.


// x initialisation
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],..
l.visible="off"; // invisible
l.font_size = 2;
l.font_style = 5;
// Starting from Scilab 5.2, Latex:

See also


5.5.0 line_width and marks_count properties added.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:15:59 CEST 2024