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Gets the handle of a graphical or User Interface object, or the property's value of objects.


h = get(0)      // console
h  = get(tag)
h  = get(tagsPath)
h  = get(key)
fids = get("figures_id")

val = H.prop
val = H(prop)
val = get(0, prop)
val = get(H, prop)
val = get(tag, prop)
val = get(tagsPath, prop)



Scalar handle of the first found targeted graphical or user Interface object.


Handle or vector of handles of the targeted graphical or user Interface objects. When H is a vector of handles, addressed entities may be of different graphical types, but all of them must have the given property, otherwise an error is yielded.


vector of indices of all opened figures.

0 (zero)

Special id addressing the console and its properties.


case-sensitive tag's value of the targeted object. Values equal to a documented key have a special meaning and must not be used as tag (please see below).


A single case-sensitive character string containing a path pointing to the graphic entity. This path is made of the "Tag" values of the targeted entity and of its ascendants in the graphical hierarchy, under the format "targetTag" or "figuretag/targetTag" or "figuretag/entity1tag/entity2tag/entitntag/targetTag". Wildcards "*" can also be used for multi-paths search. The first entity matching the path will be used.


text: case-insensitive name of the single property whose value must be retrieved. To get the list of all existing properties, see graphics_entities or uicontrol for User Interface objects. An error is yielded if the property does not exist for the targeted object.


A keyword among the following ones:

"current_entity" or "hdl": returns the handle on the lastly created (and still existent) entity. get("current_entity") is equivalent to gce().
"current_figure": returns the handle on the current graphic figure. get("current_figure") is equivalent to gcf().
"current_axes": returns a handle on the current axes entity. get("current_axes") is equivalent to gca().
"default_figure": returns a handle on the default figure entity. get("default_figure") is equivalent to gdf().
"default_axes": returns a handle on the default axes entity. get("default_axes") is equivalent to gda().
"figures_id": returns a row vector containing ids of all opened graphic figures. get("figures_id") is equivalent to winsid().


Corresponding value of the targeted property.


get(..) allows two types of actions:

  • retrieving the handle or index of a targeted object, according to its tag, to a tagspath leading to it, or to some key for special targets.
  • retrieving the value of a given property for a given object.
These actions apply to
  • the Scilab console
  • any opened graphical figures and all their contents
  • any existing interactive components, including uicontrol objects, menus, waitbars and progressionbars.

Objects with properties .visible="off" or/and .handle_visible="off", or/and rendered off-screen out of the driver("REC"), are still always reachable.

Getting the handle of an object

[] is returned anyway if no matching object is found.

h = get(0) returns the handle of Scilab's console.

h = get(tag) returns the handle of the first object found with .tag==tag.

h = get(tagsPath) returns the handle of the first object found with a tag's path matching tagspath.

h = get(key) returns the special object according to the key string, as documented in the Arguments section.

fids = get("figures_id") returns the vector of indices of all existing graphical figures. This is equivalent to winsid()

Value of a property

val = get(0, prop) returns the value of the given Root or Console property.

val = get(H, prop) or val = H(prop) or even more simply val = H.prop returns the value of the prop property for the object whose handle is H.

If H is a vector of handles, and if the expected value of the property

  • is scalar: then val returns a column of the values for all objects in H. Example:
    --> plot2d(), get([gcf() gca() gce()], "visible")
     ans  =

  • is NOT scalar: then val returns the vertical concatenation of the values returned for all objects in H. Example:
    --> clf, plot
    --> get(gcf().children(1), "data_bounds")
     ans  =
       1.  -1.
       2.   1.
    --> get(gcf().children, "data_bounds")
     ans  =
       1.         -1.
       2.          1.
       0.         -1.
       6.2831853   1.
The H.prop syntax is the most compact and powerful, and should be preferred. Noticeably, when it is meaningful, it can be chained in a straightforward way as in H.prop1.prop2.prop, without intermediate handles or/and explicitly nested calls to get(). Example: Axes.children.children.foreground is equivalent to get(get(get(get(topAxes, "children"),"children"),"children"),"foreground").

val = get(tag, prop) returns the value of the property prop for the first object found whose .tag==tag.

val = get(tagsPath, prop) returns the value of the property prop for the first object found whose location in the graphical hierarchy and whose .tag match tagsPath.


f1 = gcf();                  // or f1 = get("current_figure");
f1.axes_size                 // or get(f1, "axes_size")

f2 = scf(7);
h = gce()                   // or h = get("current_entity")
h.children(1:4).foreground  // Colors of 4 first curves

axes = gcf().children       // or get(gcf(), "children");
bottomAxes = gca();         // or bottomAxes = get("current_axes");
topAxes = axes($);
// instead of get(get(get(get(topAxes, "children"),"children"),"children"),"line_style")

[f1 f2].figure_id           // of get([f1 f2], "figure_id")
[f1 f2].anti_aliasing       // of get([f1 f2], "anti_aliasing")

// for  User Interface objects
h = uicontrol('string', 'Button'); // Opens a window with a  button.
p = h.position             // or p = get(h,'position');

close(get("figures_id")); // close all figures
--> f1 = gcf();                  // or f1 = get("current_figure");
--> f1.axes_size                 // or get(f1, "axes_size")
 ans  =
   610.   460.
--> f2 = scf(7);
--> plot
--> h = gce()                   // or h = get("current_entity")
 h  =
Handle of type "Compound" with properties:
parent: Axes
children: matrix 41x1
visible = "on"
user_data = []
tag = ""

--> h.children(1:4).foreground  // Colors of 4 first curves
 ans  =

--> axes = gcf().children       // or get(gcf(), "children");
 axes  =
2 by 1 matrix of handles:

--> bottomAxes = gca();         // or bottomAxes = get("current_axes");
--> topAxes = axes($);
--> topAxes.children.children.line_style
 ans  =

--> [f1 f2].figure_id           // of get([f1 f2], "figure_id")
 ans  =

--> [f1 f2].anti_aliasing       // of get([f1 f2], "anti_aliasing")
 ans  =

--> // for  User Interface objects
--> h = uicontrol('string', 'Button'); // Opens a window with a  button.
--> p = h.position             // or p = get(h,'position');
 p  =
   20.   40.   40.   20.

Console special handle:

get(0, "screensize_px")
--> get(0)
 ans  =
Handle of type "Console" with properties:
Children: "uimenu"
ShowHiddenHandles = "off"
ShowHiddenProperties = "off"
UseDeprecatedSkin = "off"
user_data = []
tag = ""

--> get(0, "screensize_px")
 ans  =
   1.   1.   1920.   1080.

Using tags and tagsPaths:

f = figure("dockable", "off", "menubar", "none", "toolbar", "none", "infobar_visible", "off", "tag", "mainfig");
frameHandle = uicontrol("parent", f, "style", "frame", "position", [200 200 190 100], "tag", "myframe");
btnHandle = uicontrol("parent", frameHandle, "position", [20 20 150 30], "string", "button", "tag", "example");

get("myframe") == frameHandle

set("mainfig/myframe/example", "string", "complete path");
get("mainfig/myframe/example", "string")

set("mainfig/*/example", "string", "wildcard path");
get("mainfig/*/example", "string")

set("myframe/example", "string", "partial path");
get("myframe/example", "string")

See also

  • findobj — find an object with specified property
  • set — set properties of some graphic objects or uimenus or uicontrol interactive components
  • console_properties — Description of console object properties.
  • root_properties — Description des propriétés de l'objet root.
  • graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures
  • uicontrol_properties — Description of the uicontrol properties.
  • gcf — Return handle of current graphic window.
  • gdf — Return handle of default figure.
  • gca — Return handle of current axes.
  • gda — Return handle of default axes.
  • gce — Get current entity handle.
  • winsid — renvoie la liste des fenêtre graphiques ouvertes


5.5.0 The syntaxes h=get(tag), h=get(tagsPath), val=get(tagsPath,prop), and val=get(tagsPath, prop) are introduced.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:15:59 CEST 2024