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2024.1.0 - Русский


  • anti_aliasingFigure's property smoothing the stair-like aspect when rendering curves
  • clfClears and resets a figure or a frame uicontrol
  • colordefSet the color look-and-feel of a given or of all forthcoming graphic figures
  • drawlatermakes axes children invisible.
  • drawnowdraw hidden graphics entities.
  • figure propertiesdescription of the graphics figure entity properties
  • gcfReturn handle of current graphic window.
  • gdfReturn handle of default figure.
  • pixel_drawing_modeFigure's property setting the RGBwise pixels update mode when drawing
  • scfset the current graphic figure (window)
  • sdfreSets the properties of the Default Figure to their factory values
  • show_windowподнимает графическое окно
  • winsidвозвращает список графических окон
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Last updated:
Mon Jun 17 17:55:07 CEST 2024