Closes graphic figures, progression or wait bars, the help browser, xcos, the variables browser or editor.
close close(H) close help close xcos close xcos! close editvar close browsevar
- H
Vector of graphic figures handles or ids, or of handles of progression bar or wait bar.
close closes the current graphic figure (if any).
close(H) closes the figures, waitbar or
progression bars whose handles or indices are in H
close help closes the help browser.
close browsevar closes the variable browser.
close editvar closes the variable editor (it must not be docked).
close xcos closes all opened xcos windows. If some diagrams have unsaved changes, the user is asked for confirmation.
close xcos! forces closing all opened xcos windows without asking for any confirmation.
// creates figure number 1. h = scf(); // put a clever text in figure 1 uicontrol( h, 'style','text', ... 'string','scilab is great', ... 'position',[50 70 100 100], ... 'fontsize',15); // create figure 2 scf(); // put a text in figure 2 uicontrol( 'style','text', ... 'string','Really great', 'position',[50 70 100 100], 'fontsize',15); close(); // close the current graphic window (ie fig. 2) close(h); // close figure 1 // create a progression bar wid1=progressionbar("Message"); // close it close(wid1); // Create and close several figures in a once: scf(111); plot scf(25); plot2d gcf().figure_position(1) = 500; scf(200); param3d gcf().figure_position(1) = 700; sleep(5000); // Watch at them! close([25 200 111]) // Finished!
// You are reading this example in the help browser. Now, bye: close help
See also
Version | Description |
6.1.1 |
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