Matrix generation
- random
- grand — Generate random numbers
- prbs_a — Generates a pseudo random binary sequence
- rand — Random numbers
- sample — Sampling: random draw with replacement
- samplef — sample values with replacement from a population
with given frequencies.
- samwr — Sampling without replacement
- blockdiag — Creates a block diagonal matrix from provided arrays. Block diagonal system connection.
- diag — diagonal including or extracting
- empty [] — empty matrix. Array ranges destructor.
- eye — identity matrix
- frank — Frank matrix
- hilbm — Hilbert matrix
- invhilb — Inverse of the Hilbert matrix
- linspace — generates linearly spaced numbers between 2 reached bounds
- logspace — logarithmically spaced vector
- magic — Magic square
- meshgrid — Create matrices or 3-D arrays from vectors replicated in 2 or 3 dimensions
- ndgrid — build matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
- ones — matrix made of ones
- perms — Generate the table of permutations of given elements
- repmat — Replicate and tile an array
- squarewave — generates a square wave with period 2*%pi
- testmatrix — generate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Frank
- toeplitz — Toeplitz matrix (chosen constant diagonal bands)
- vander — Vandermonde matrix
- zeros — null matrix