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2D plot


plot2d()   // example
plot2d(x, y)
plot2d(logflag, x, y)
plot2d(.., y, style)
plot2d(.., y, style, strf)
plot2d(.., y, style, strf, leg)
plot2d(.., y, style, strf, leg, rect)
plot2d(.., y, style, strf, leg, rect, nax)
plot2d(.., y, key1=value1, key2=value2, ..)
hdl = plot2d(...)


a real matrix or vector of abscissae. If omitted, abscissae are assumed to be 1:n for all curves, where n is the number of points in curves, as given by y.

real matrix or vector: Ordinates

key1=value1, key2=value2, ...

The following options logflag, style, strf, leg, rect, nax, frameflag, and axesflag described below can either be listed in the right order as listed in the synopses, or provided in any order after y as named arguments, for instance like in plot(y, frameflag=3, leg="Curve 1@Curve 2").


Sets the linear or logarithmic scale for both X and Y axes. Possible values are "nn", "nl" , "ln" or "ll". "n" stands for normal scale ; "l" stands for logarithmic. The first letter set the X axis. The second one sets the Y axis.


Sets the respective line or mark styles of the curves. It is a vector of decimal integers with one element per curve:

  • if style(i) is strictly positive, the curve is drawn as plain line and style(i) defines the index of the color used to draw the curve (see getcolor).
  • if style(i) is negative or zero, the given curve points are drawn using marks. Then abs(style(i)) is the mark's id.

Note that all curves properties -- like also their color, thickness, marks colors, etc -- can be set through their handles (see polyline_properties).

3-character-long string "abc" specifying all together if legends must be displayed, and the values of frameflag and axesflag. By default, strf= "081". "a", "b" and "c" are:

a : controls the display of captions:
a=0 :no caption.
a=1 : captions given by the optional argument leg are displayed.
b : frameflag integer code in [0,9], controlling the computation the actual coordinate ranges, as described below.
c : axesflag integer code in [0:5 9], controlling the display and position of X and Y axes, as described below.


Single string "leg1@leg2@...." setting the legends leg1, leg2, etc for the respective curves #1, #2, etc. The default is " ". The block of legends is drawn on the bottom, below the x-axis.

After plotting, the handle of the block of legends can be retrieved with gca().children(2). legend or legends can also be used instead of leg.


Vector of decimal numbers [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] setting the minimal bounds requested for the plot. [xmin, xmax] is the X-axis range, and [ymin, ymax] is the Y-axis one.

This argument works with the frameflag option to specify how the actual axes boundaries are computed. If the frameflag option is not given, it is supposed to be frameflag=7.

The axes boundaries can also be customized through the gca().data_bounds property of the axes (see axes_properties).


Vector of decimal integers [nx,Nx,ny,Ny] specifying the numbers Nx and Ny of major ticks, and the numbers nx and ny of minor ticks between 2 majors, for both respective axes. To use autoticking on an axis, set Nx=-1 or Ny=-1.

If the axesflag option is not specified, using nax sets and uses axesflag=9.


controls the computation of the actual coordinate ranges from the minimal requested values. The associated value should be an integer ranging from 0 to 8.

frameflagaxes bounds other actions
0 unchanged
1 from rect
2 from input x,y
3 from rect isometric axes
4 from input x,y isometric axes
5 from rect pretty axes
6 from input x,y pretty axes
7 from rect all replot with new scales
8 from input x,y all replot with new scales
9 from input x,y Pretty axes. All replot with new scales

The setting of axes boundaries can also be customized through the gca().data_bounds, gca().tight_limits, gca().data_bounds, and gca().isoview properties (see axes_properties).


integer code in [0:5 9], controlling the display and position of X and Y axes.

The axes aspect can also be customized directly through the gca().box, gca().axes_visible, gca().x_location, and gca().y_location, properties (see axes_properties). positioncomments
0"off"["off" "off"] Naked plot
1"on" ["on" "on"]
2"on" ["off" "off"] Naked box
3"off"["on" "on"] y_location="right"
4"off"["on" "on"] crossed @ middle
5"on" ["on" "on"] crossed @ middle
9"off"["on" "on"] (default setting)

This optional output is a vector containing the handles of the created Polyline entities. Use hdl to modify properties of a specific or all entities after they are created. For a list of properties, see polyline_properties.


plot2d plots a set of 2D curves. Piecewise linear interpolation is done between the given curve points.

Any point with y(i)=Nan is masked: no mark and no segment to its neighboors are displayed.

For any point with y(i)=±Inf, a vertical segment starting from each of its both neighboors is drawn in the ± direction, up to the current ceil or down to the current floor of the axes.

By default, successive calls to plot2d() overplots new curves over existing ones. Autoclearing for each new plot can be set using gca().auto_clear="on". Please see axes properties. clf can also be used to manually clear the whole figure.

If you are familiar with Matlab plot syntax, you should use plot instead.

If x and y are vectors, plot2d(x,y,…) plots vector y versus vector x. x and y vectors should have the same number of entries.

If x is a vector and y a matrix plot2d(x,y,…) plots each columns of y versus vector x. The number of rows of y must be equal to the number of x entries.

If x and y are matrices, plot2d(x,y,…) plots each columns of y versus corresponding column of x. x and y must then have the same sizes.

If y is a vector, plot2d(y,…) plots vector y versus vector 1:size(y,'*').

If y is a matrix, plot2d(y,…) plots each columns of y versus vector 1:size(y,1).

Enter the command plot2d() to see a demo.

Other high level plot2d functions exist:

  • plot2d2 same as plot2d but the curve is supposed to be piecewise constant.

  • plot2d3 same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with vertical bars.

  • plot2d4 same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with vertical arrows.


// x initialisation
//simple plot
//multiple plot
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)])
// multiple plot giving the dimensions of the frame
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],rect=[0,0,6,0.5]);
//multiple plot with captions and given tics + style
plot2d(x,[sin(x) sin(2*x) sin(3*x)],..
// isoview
plot2d(x,sin(x),1,frameflag= 4);
// scale
plot2d(x,sin(x),1,frameflag= 6);
// auto scaling with previous plots + style
// axis on the right
a=gca(); // Handle on axes entity
a.y_location ="right";
// axis centered at (0,0)
x = [0:0.1:2*%pi]';
poly1 = plot2d(x-4,sin(x),1,leg="sin(x)");
a = gca(); // Handle on axes entity
a.x_location = "origin";
a.y_location = "origin";
// Some operations on entities created by plot2d ...
a = gca();
poly1.foreground = 4; // another way to change the style...
poly1.thickness = 3;  // ...and the thickness of a curve.
poly1.clip_state='off'; // clipping control
// find the legend
leg = findobj(gca(),"type","Legend");
leg.font_style = 9;
leg.line_mode = "on";

See also

  • plot — 2D plot
  • .polyline_style — description of the Polyline entity properties
  • plot2d2 — 2D plot (step function)
  • plot2d3 — 2D plot (vertical bars)
  • plot2d4 — 2D plot (arrows style)
  • polarplot — Plot polar coordinates
  • gca — Return handle of current axes.
  • close — Closes graphic figures, progression or wait bars, the help browser, xcos, the variables browser or editor.
  • axes_properties — description of the axes entity properties
  • clf — Clears and resets a figure or a frame uicontrol


2025.0.0 Function returns the created handle(s).
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:09 CEST 2024