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Справка Scilab >> Optimization and Simulation > Simplex > optimsimplex_size


Computes the size.


ssize = optimsimplex_size(opt, [method])



The current simplex object of TSIMPLEX type (tlist).


The method to use to compute the size (optional).

The available methods are the following:

  • "sigmaplus". This is the default.

    The sigmaplus size is the maximum 2-norm length of the vector from each vertex to the first vertex. It requires one loop over the vertices.

  • "sigmaminus".

    The sigmaminus size is the minimum 2-norm length of the vector from each vertex to the first vertex. It requires on loop over the vertices.

  • "Nash".

    The Nash size is the sum of the norm of the norm-1 length of the vector form the given vertex to the first vertex. It requires one loop over the vertices.

  • "diameter".

    The diameter size is the maximum norm-2 length of all the edges of the simplex. It requires 2 nested loops over the vertices.


A scalar.


The optimsimplex_size function returns the size of the simplex.


function y=rosenbrock(x)
  y = 100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2;

simplex = [...
    0.    0.
    1.    0.
    0.    2.
s1 = optimsimplex_new();
s1 = optimsimplex_setn ( s1 , 2 );
s1 = optimsimplex_setnbve ( s1 , 3 );
s1 = optimsimplex_setallx ( s1 , simplex );
// Method = "Nash"
ssize = optimsimplex_size ( s1 , "Nash" );

// Method = "diameter"
ssize = optimsimplex_size ( s1 , "diameter" );

// Method = "sigmaplus"
ssize = optimsimplex_size ( s1 , "sigmaplus" );

// Method = "sigmaminus"
ssize = optimsimplex_size ( s1 , "sigmaminus" );

s1 = optimsimplex_destroy(s1);

See also

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<< optimsimplex_shrink Simplex optimsimplex_sort >>

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Last updated:
Mon Jan 03 14:39:57 CET 2022