Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Saves some chosen variables in a binary data file
save(filename) save(filename, x1, x2,...,xn) save(filename, variables) save(filename, "-append", ..) save(.., "-append")
- filename
Character string containing the path of the file.
- xi
Names (as strings) of Scilab variables to be saved. Objects returned by expressions -- like gcf() -- can't be directly saved. They must be explicitly named:
f = gcf(); save(filename, "f")
.- variables
A matrix of strings containing the names of Scilab variables to be saved, e.g.
["x1", "x2", ..., "xn"]
saves in the file defined by filename
all Scilab variables defined by the user, and reachable at the
current level.
![]() |
When only some variables chosen among all defined ones must be saved, their names must
be listed after the filename, as in save(filename,"x","y")
. If one
indicated variable is not defined, the file is not created or overwritten and an error
is yielded.
The "-append"
keyword can be used in option at any place after
the filename
. Then, listed variables are appended to the existing
file. If some listed variables already exist in the file, their stored values are updated.
Saved variables can be reloaded by the
![]() | The archives files generated with save() are portable to other operating systems and
architectures (little and big endian automatically handled). |
![]() | Built-in functions and implicit lists (like 10:2:$) can't be saved. |
With homogeneous arrays of simple data types:
// For each created object, we make a current copy for comparison after restoring. b = [%t %f %f]; bc = b; // Booleans i = int8([0 -17 38 ]); ic = i; // Encoded integers d = [%pi %e %inf %i]; dc = d; // Decimal numbers (real or complex numbers) p = (1-%z)^[1 2]; pc = p; // Polynomials (real or complex coefficients) r = %z./(1-%z)^[1 2]; rc = r; // Rationals (real or complex coefficients) t = ["Sci" "البرمجیات"]; tc = t; // Texts sp = sprand(4,10,0.1); spc = sp; // Sparse matrix of numbers spb = sp < 0.5; spbc = spb;// Sparse matrix of boolean numbers path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; save(path, "b","i","d","p","r","t","sp","spb") clear b i d p r t sp spb isdef(["b" "i" "d" "p" "r" "t" "sp" "spb"],"l") listvarinfile(path); load(path); isdef(["b" "i" "d" "p" "r" "t" "sp" "spb"],"l") [b==bc, i==ic, d==dc, t==tc, p==pc, r==rc, and(sp==spc), and(spb==spbc)]
--> path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; --> save(path, "b","i","d","p","r","t","sp","spb") --> clear b i d p r t sp spb --> isdef(["b" "i" "d" "p" "r" "t" "sp" "spb"],"l") ans = F F F F F F F F --> listvarinfile(path); Name Type Size Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------- b boolean 1 by 3 12 d double 1 by 4 64 i integer 1 by 3 3 p polynomial 1 by 2 40 r tlist 4 108 sp sparse 4 by 10 76 spb boolean sparse 4 by 10 160 t string 1 by 2 108 --> load(path); --> isdef(["b" "i" "d" "p" "r" "t" "sp" "spb"],"l") ans = T T T T T T T T --> [b==bc, i==ic, d==dc, t==tc, p==pc, r==rc, and(sp==spc), and(spb==spbc)] ans = T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
With a user-defined macro:
path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; function myTest(), disp("User-defined macros can be saved"), endfunction save(path, "myTest") clear myTest listvarinfile(path); load(path); myTest()
--> clear myTest --> listvarinfile(path); Name Type Size Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------- myTest macro 1 by 1 0 --> load(path); --> myTest() User-defined macros can be saved
With (nested) heterogeneous containers:
// lists L = list(%pi,%t,%s^2,"abc",{"Scilab" 2},list(%e,%z/(1-%z))); Lc = L; // cells arrays c = {%pi, %t ; %s^2, "abc"}; cc = c; // array of structures s = struct("n",%i+1, "p",(1+%z)^3, "L",L, "c",c); sc = s; path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; save(path, "L", "c", "s") clear L c s isdef(["L" "c" "s"], "l") listvarinfile(path); load(path); [isequal(L,Lc) isequal(c,cc) isequal(s,sc)]
--> isdef(["L" "c" "s"], "l") ans = F F F --> listvarinfile(path); Name Type Size Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------- L list 6 156 c cell 2 by 2 48 s struct 2 by 2 864 --> load(path); --> [isequal(L,Lc) isequal(c,cc) isequal(s,sc)] ans = F F F
With some graphic handles:
clf reset subplot(1,2,1), param3d() subplot(1,2,2), plot2d4(), xtitle("plot2d4()"); a = gca(); path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; save(path, "a"); // We save only the right axes (plot2d4) clf reset, clear a xload(path); // The right axes is restored and rendered gcf().axes_size = [700 300];

With a global variable:
path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; clear a global a, a = 1.234; isglobal a save(path, "a") clear a, clearglobal a load(path); a isglobal("a") // The global attribute was not saved and so is not restored
--> isglobal a ans = T --> save(path, "a") --> clear a, clearglobal a --> load(path); a a = 1.234 --> isglobal("a") ans = F
With a XML pointer:
path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; doc = xmlReadStr("<root><b>Hello</b></root>"); save(path, "doc") clear doc // This does not delete the document load(path); doc // We restore the saved pointer to the document. It is still valid. // Let's delete both the document and the pointer to it: xmlDelete(doc), clear doc load(path); // We restore the saved pointer (to the unexisting document) isdef("doc","l") // The pointer is restored... xmlIsValidObject doc // but not the pointed document
--> path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; --> doc = xmlReadStr("<root><b>Hello</b></root>"); --> save(path, "doc") --> clear doc --> load(path); doc doc = XML Document url: Undefined root: XML Element --> xmlDelete(doc), clear doc --> load(path) --> isdef("doc","l") ans = T doc = --> xmlIsValidObject doc ans = F
With the "-append" option:
a = 1; b = %t; path = TMPDIR + "/test.dat"; save(path, "a", "b"); listvarinfile(path); a = [%e %pi]; c = %i; save(path, "a", "c", "-append"); listvarinfile(path); clear a load(path, "a"); a
--> save(path, "a", "b"); --> listvarinfile(path); Name Type Size Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------- a double 1 by 1 8 b boolean 1 by 1 4 --> a = [%e %pi]; --> c = %i; --> save(path, "a", "c", "-append"); --> listvarinfile(path); Name Type Size Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------- a double 1 by 2 16 b boolean 1 by 1 4 c double 1 by 1 16 --> clear a --> load(path, "a"); a // has been updated a = 2.7182818 3.1415927
save() can't save TCL variables:
TCL_SetVar("myPi", 3.14); // Creates the myPi variable in the TCL session myPi // => error: the variable is a TCL one, not a Scilab one => It can't be save()d
--> myPi Undefined variable: myPi
See also
- load — Loads some archived variables, a saved graphic figure, a library of functions
- save_format — формат файлов, полученных с помощью функции "save"
- savematfile — saves some Scilab variables in a Matlab MAT-file (binary or ASCII)
- xsave — save graphics into a file
- saveGui — Save a graphic user interface in a file
- write — write in a formatted file
- TCL_SetVar — Set a tcl/tk variable value
Version | Description |
5.0.0 | All uimenu or uicontrol handles are also saved by this function. |
5.4.0 |
6.0 |
6.0.2 | The names of variables to be saved can now be provided in a vector. |
Report an issue | ||
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