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Справка Scilab >> Графики > 3d_plot > param3d


plots a single curve in a 3D cartesian frame


plots a set of curves in a 3D cartesian frame. 1D mesh plot


param3d(x, y, z)
param3d(x, y, z, [theta, alpha, leg, flag, ebox])
param3d // demo

param3d1(X, Y, Z)
param3d1(X, Y, list(Z, styles))
param3d1(.., [theta, alpha, leg, flag, ebox])
param3d1 // demo


x, y, z

3 vectors of the same length: cartesian coordinates of the curve's points.

X, Y, Z

matrices of the same size (nl,nc). Each column #i of the matrices provides the coordinates of the points for the ith curve.


vector of nc=size(Z,"c") integers specifying the style -- line color or mark style -- of each curve. When it is specified, it must be bundled with Z into a list, using list(Z, styles).

By default, lines are drawn with colors indexed from 1 to nc in the current color map, without mark.

If styles(i)<0, the curve #i is plotted only with marks of style #|styles(i)|, without line.

Otherwise (styles(i)>0), the curve #i is rendered as a solid line of color #styles(i), without marks.


Polar angle of the (OP) observation point to the north pole (Oz+), in degrees, from 0 to 180. Default = 35°.


Azimuth angle of the (OP) observation point, around the (OZ+) axis, in degrees. Default = 45°.


single string setting the labels for the 3 axes. "@" is used as a labels separator. Default = "X@Y@Z"

flag = [type, box]

type and box have the same meaning as in plot3d:


Sets the axes scaling and bounding modes. Default = 2.

type gca().isoview data bounds
0 off [0,1, 0,1, -1,1]
1 off in ebox
2 off from data points
3 on in ebox
4 on from data points
5 on in ebox
6 on from data points

Isometrical modes are rendered with gca().cube_scaling="off".

an integer controlling the display of the axes frame (default = 4).

Value Displayed axes Axes legends gca().box gca().axes_visible
0 none. No frame. yes "off" "off"
1 not implemented. Like 0. Please use 0.
2 only axes lines on the back NO "hidden_axes" "off"
3 full ungraduated box yes "on" "off"
4 full box + 3 graduated axes yes "on" "on"


Vector [xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax] of axes bounds, used and assigned to gca().data_bounds when the flag option is used with the type=1|3|5. By default set to [0,1, 0,1, 0,1].


param3d() is used to plot a single 3D curve defined by its coordinates x, y and z.

The curve is an object of polyline type. When it is used just after param3d(), gce() returns the curve's identifier, from which all the curve's properties may be changed: color, line style, thickness, mark style and colors, etc.

param3d1() is used to plot a set of 3D curves, all having the same number of points. Then, gce().children returns the vector of identifiers of the whole set of curves.

The graphical identifier of the curve #i is gce().children($-i+1).


t = 0:0.1:5*%pi;
r = (max(t)-t)/10;

param3d(r.*sin(t), r.*cos(t), t/10, 30, 72,"X@Y@Z",[4,4])

curve = gce();
curve.mark_mode = "on";
curve.mark_style = 10;
curve.mark_foreground = color("magenta");

box parameter illustrated with param3d1() used for a single curve :

t = (0:0.1:5*%pi)';
r = (max(t)-t)/10;
x = r.*sin(t); y = r.*cos(t); z = list(t/10, color("orange"));
Box = [0 2 3 4];

for i = 1:4
   param3d1(x, y, z, 31, 72,"X legend@Y legend@Z legend",[4, Box(i)])
   title(msprintf("box = %d",Box(i)), "fontsize", 4)
gcf().children.children.thickness = 2; // for the 4 curves in a once
gca().sub_ticks = [4 4 4];             // only for the last axes

param3d1() used for an actual set of curves:

[X, Y] = ndgrid(-11:0.5:9);
R = sqrt(X.*X + Y.*Y) + %eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;

param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])

param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])
gce().children.foreground = color("green");

param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])
curves = gce().children;
curves(1:2:$).foreground = color("orange");
gca().box = "back_half";

gcf().children.foreground = color("grey70"); // box & ticks color for the 3 figures

[X, Y] = ndgrid(-11:0.5:9, -7:0.5:6); // x is the long side, y the short one
// => X has constant rows. Y has constant columns


// Meshing lines at constant Y values
subplot(1, 3, 1)
R = sqrt(X.*X + Y.*Y) + %eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;
param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])

// Meshing lines at constant X values, with transposed X and Y:
subplot(1, 3, 2)
R = sqrt(X'.*X' + Y'.*Y') + %eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;
param3d1(X', Y', Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])

// With a curtain and filled curves to avoid messed overlaying parts
subplot(1, 3, 3)
[Xo, Yo] = ndgrid(-10:0.5:10);
R = sqrt(Xo.*Xo + Yo.*Yo) + %eps;
Zo = sin(R)./R;
    // we add the curtain on starting and ending sides
nc = size(Xo,"c");
zmin = min(Zo);
X = [Xo(1,:) ; Xo ; Xo($,:)];
Y = [Yo(1,:) ; Yo ; Yo($,:)];
Z = [zmin*ones(1,nc) ; Zo ; zmin*ones(1,nc)];
    // Rendering
param3d1(X, Y, Z, 150, 85, flag=[2,4])
e = gce();
e.children.fill_mode = "on";

// grey box for all axes:
gcf().children.foreground = color("grey70");

See also

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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:54:58 CET 2020