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Ajuda do Scilab >> Biblioteca de Gráficos > axes_operations > replot


reformula a área de exibição de um ou mais gráficos

Seqüência de Chamamento

replot(area, idAxes)
replot(.., tight_limits)



matrix [xmin xmax ; ymin ymax] or [xmin xmax ; ymin ymax ; zmin zmax], or row [xmin ymin xmax ymax] or [xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax]: new bounds of the area to be reframed.

  • %nan can be used to keep a bound as is.
  • %inf can be used to set a bound to the position of the most marginal graphical component existing in the axes, for the considered direction.
The default area is [%inf %inf %inf %inf] for a 2D axes, or [%inf %inf %inf %inf %inf %inf] for a 3D one.

If N axes are identified in idAxes, area may be a matrix with N rows and 4 or 6 columns. The row #i is then related to the axes #i of idAxes. If area is only a vector of 4 or 6 bounds, these ones are used for all axes to be reframed.


Vector of graphic handles, expected to be of Axes type or to have direct children of type Axes, such as Figures or some frame uicontrols. idAxes specifies direct or children Axes to crop. If no axes is found, nothing is done.

By default, the current Axes is considered.


Single word "tight" or "on" or "off", or vector of 2 (in 2D) or 3 (in 3D) words "tight" or "on" or "off". If a single word is provided, it is used for every axis. This option forces the .tight_limits attribute of considered axes to the specified "on" or "off" values. By default, current limits modes are unchanged.


replot is used to reframe the (set of) axes specified with idAxes -- or by default the current axes -- with new boundaries defined in 2D by [xmin xmax ; ymin ymax] or [xmin xmax ; ymin ymax ; zmin zmax], or in 3D by [xmin ymin xmax ymax] or [xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax].

It changes the data_bounds attribute of processed axes.

When a specified bound is infinite (%inf and -%inf are equivalent), replot looks for the most marginal graphical object and sets the actual related bound to its position, taking also objects sizes into account. This ensures not clipping any object that would be beyond the targeted side of the axes.

When the tight_limits option is provided, its value is assigned to the .tight_limits attribute of each considered axes, in an axis-wise way.


// primeiro exemplo
// segundo exemplo
plot() // plot demo
replot([-1,-1,10,2],f.children(1)) // especificando o valor do manipulador dos eixos
// Os fronteiras indicadas pelo valor %nan não são alterados:
x = linspace(0,360,200).';
plot2d(x,[sind(x) tand(x)])
ax = gca();
ax.data_bounds              // Fronteiras iniciais
replot([%nan,-10,%nan,10])  // Ymin e Ymax só são modificados
ax.data_bounds              // novas fronteiras

// 3D Fronteiras Z também pode ser modificadas :
x = linspace(-4,4,100);
X = meshgrid(x);
R = (X-0.5).^2 + (X.'+0.7).^2;
Z = sinc(R);
f = gcf();
f.color_map = autumncolormap(100);
ax = gca();
replot([-5 0 -0.4 0 5 0.5])

// Diversos gráficos podem ser cortadas simultaneamente :
x = linspace(-%pi,%pi,400);
plot2d(x,sin(1 ./sqrt(abs(x))))
ax1 = gca();
plot2d(x,cos(1 ./sqrt(abs(x))))
ax2 = gca();
f = gcf();
replot([-1 %nan 1.5 %nan], [ax1 ax2])

Ver Também

  • zoom_rect — Amplia uma seleção da figura gráfica corrente
  • rubberbox — Caixa tipo liga de borracha para seleção de um retângulo
  • axes_properties — descrição das propriedades de entidades Axes (de eixos)


  • Extensão para o 3D

  • Vários coordenadas gráficos podem agora ser redimensionadas simultaneamente

  • %nan pode ser usado para manter um limite como está.

  • Handles of frame uicontrols having Axes children are now accepted.
  • %inf can now be used to set a bound to the position of most marginal contents.
  • replot() as replot([%inf %inf %inf %inf]) is added.
  • Option tight_limits added.
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:52:32 CET 2020