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Aide de Scilab >> Fonctions Elémentaires > Matrice - génération > random > prbs_a


Generates a pseudo random binary sequence


u = prbs_a(n, nc)
u = prbs_a(n, nc, ids)
u = prbs_a(n, nc, positions)


positive integer: length of the sequence.
integer in [0, n-1]: number of commutations required.
vector of integers in [0, n-1]: indices of required commutations in u.
Row vector of n values in {-1, 1}.


prbs_a() will be useful to simulate the behavior of a 2-state random system.

u = prbs_a(n, nc) builds and returns a row vector u made of n values -1 or +1, in which nc commutations from -1 to 1 or from 1 to -1 occur at random positions in the vector.

The initial state u(1) has an equiprobable value -1 or +1.

The distribution of commutation positions along u is statistically uniform.

The positions of commutations can be retrieved with find(u(2:$) <> u(1:$-1)).

prbs_a(n,,positions) does the same, but sets commutations at the given positions, instead of at random ones. nc is then ignored. Setting a commutation at a position = i ensures that u(i+1) will be -u(i).

The initial state can be imposed with a trivial post-processing of the result. For instance, imposing u(1)=-1 will be done with if u(1)==1, u = -u; end.


u = prbs_a(20, 7)
plot2d2(1:20, u, rect=[0,-1.2,20,1.2]);
find(u(2:$) <> u(1:$-1))

u = prbs_a(100, 20);
plot2d2(1:100, u, rect=[0,-1.2,100,1.2]);
--> u = prbs_a(20, 7)
 u  =
   1. -1. -1. -1. -1.  1. -1.  1.  1.  1. -1. -1. -1. -1.  1.  1.  1.  1. -1. -1.

--> find(u(2:$) <> u(1:$-1))
 ans  =
   1.   5.   6.   7.   10.   14.   18.

Example at given positions:

u = prbs_a(100, , [13 20 25 40 65 67 80 90 91]);
plot2d2(1:100, u, rect=[0,-1.2,100,1.2]);
--> length(u)
 ans =

--> find(u(2:$)<>u(1:$-1))
 ans  =
   13.   20.   25.   40.   65.   67.   80.   90.   91.

See Also

  • noisegen — génération de bruit (obsolète)
  • grand — Générateur de nombres pseudo-aléatoires
  • sprand — matrice creuse aléatoire
  • randpencil — random pencil


  • prbs_a() now strictly complies with nc.
  • The probability of the initial state u(1) is now unbiased: +1 and -1 are strictly equiprobable.
  • Report an issue
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    Last updated:
    Tue Feb 25 08:50:19 CET 2020