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Справка Scilab >> Графики > 2d_plot > polarplot


Plot polar coordinates





a vector, the radius values


a vector with same size than rho, the angle values.


a sequence of statements key1=value1, key2=value2, ... where keys may be style,leg,rect,strf or frameflag


is a real row vector of size nc. The style to use for curve i is defined by style(i). The default style is 1:nc (1 for the first curve, 2 for the second, etc.).


if style(i) is negative, the curve is plotted using the mark with id abs(style(i))+1. See polyline properties to see the mark ids.


if style(i) is strictly positive, a plain line with color id style(i) or a dashed line with dash id style(i) is used. See polyline properties to see the line style ids.


When only one curve is drawn, style can be the row vector of size 2 [sty,pos] where sty is used to specify the style and pos is an integer ranging from 1 to 6 which specifies a position to use for the caption. This can be useful when a user wants to draw multiple curves on a plot by calling the function plot2d several times and wants to give a caption for each curve.


is a string of length 3 "xy0".


The default is "030".


controls the display of captions,


no captions.


captions are displayed. They are given by the optional argument leg.


controls the computation of the frame. same as frameflag


the current boundaries (set by a previous call to another high level plotting function) are used. Useful when superposing multiple plots.


the optional argument rect is used to specify the boundaries of the plot.


the boundaries of the plot are computed using min and max values of x and y.


like y=1 but produces isoview scaling.


like y=2 but produces isoview scaling.


like y=1 but plot2d can change the boundaries of the plot and the ticks of the axes to produce pretty graduations. When the zoom button is activated, this mode is used.


like y=2 but plot2d can change the boundaries of the plot and the ticks of the axes to produce pretty graduations. When the zoom button is activated, this mode is used.


like y=5 but the scale of the new plot is merged with the current scale.


like y=6 but the scale of the new plot is merged with the current scale.


a string. It is used when the first character x of argument strf is 1. leg has the form "leg1@leg2@...." where leg1, leg2, etc. are respectively the captions of the first curve, of the second curve, etc. The default is "".


This argument is used when the second character y of argument strf is 1, 3 or 5. It is a row vector of size 4 and gives the dimension of the frame: rect=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax].


polarplot creates a polar coordinate plot of the angle theta versus the radius rho. theta is the angle from the x-axis to the radius vector specified in radians; rho is the length of the radius vector specified in dataspace units. Note that negative rho values cause the corresponding curve points to be reflected across the origin.

Example 1

t = 0:.01:2*%pi;

Example 2

t = 0:.01:2*%pi;
polarplot([sin(7*t') sin(6*t')],[cos(8*t') cos(8*t')],[1,2])

Example 3

t = 0:0.01:2*%pi;
polarplot(t, -1 + sin(t));

Example 4

theta = [0:0.02:2*%pi]';
rho = 1+0.2*cos(theta.^2);
gca().data_bounds = [-1.2,-1.2;1.2,01.2];
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Last updated:
Mon Feb 12 20:08:39 CET 2018