- Scilabヘルプ
- Xcos
- Scilab Utilities Functions
- block_parameter_error
- buildouttb
- getModelicaPath
- importXcosDiagram
- loadScicos
- loadXcosLibs
- scicosDiagramToScilab
- scicos_debug
- scicos_getvalue
- scicos_log
- standard_inputs
- standard_origin
- standard_outputs
- var2vec
- vec2var
- xcosAddToolsMenu
- xcosDiagramToScilab
- xcosPal
- xcosPalAdd
- xcosPalAddBlock
- xcosPalDelete
- xcosPalExport
- xcosPalGenerateAllIcons
- xcosPalMove
- xcosUpdateBlock
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Set the level of the Scicos debugging
scicos_debug(level) level = scicos_debug()
level : set/get the current level of the Scicos simulation debugging.
0: no debugging.
1: light debugging information printout.
2: more information printout and execution of Debug Block if any in diagram.
3: silent debugging mode (no information printout) and execution of Debug Block if any in diagram.
This Scilab function is used to set the debug level of a Scicos simulation.
One can used it in the "Calc" mode of the Scicos editor or as an instruction in a Scilab block or in an interfacing function.
scicos_debug(level) level=scicos_debug()
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