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Ajuda do Scilab >> Funções de Compatibilidade > mtlb_i


Matlab insertion emulation function


Matlab and Scilab insertion behave differently in some particular cases:

  • When inserting a matrix in a variable: Matlab automatically adjusts output variable to fit with matrix to insert but not Scilab. For example, with A=1, A([1,2,3,4])=[1,2;3,4]) returns an error in Scilab while in Matlab we get A=[1,2,3,4]. If values miss comparing to indexes, Matlab fills output value with 0.

  • When inserting data into a character string matrix: due to the fact that character string matrices in Matlab can be addressed as any other matrix (each character can be adressed), insertion in such a type of matrix does not differ from other. But in Scilab it can't be done so...mtlb_is is an alternative.

The function A=mtlb_i(A,k,B) is used by mfile2sci to replace A(k)=B when it was not possible to know what were the operands while porting Matlab code to Scilab. This function will determine the correct semantic at run time. If you want to have a more efficient code it is possible to replace mtlb_i calls:

  • If A is not a vector A=mtlb_i(A,k,B) may be replaced by A(k)=B

  • If A and B are both row or column vectors A=mtlb_i(A,k,B) may be replaced by A(k)=B

Caution: mtlb_i has not to be used for hand coded functions.

See Also

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Last updated:
Wed Apr 01 10:24:30 CEST 2015