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Ajuda Scilab >> Xcos > Batch functions > steadycos


Finds an equilibrium state of a general dynamical system described by a xcos diagram

Calling Sequence

[X,U,Y,XP]=steadycos(scs_m,X,U,Y,Indx,Indu,Indy [,Indxp [,param ] ])



This function finds the steady state for a given system described by a xcos diagram or sub-diagram. The diagram should have inputs and outputs.The steady state concern only the continuous-time dynamics.

// loading data

// configure the context
M  = 10;
m  = 3;
l  = 3;
ph = 0.1;

// look for the specific sub-diagram to work on
for i=1:length(scs_m.objs)
    if typeof(scs_m.objs(i))=="Block" & scs_m.objs(i).gui=="SUPER_f" then
        scs_m = scs_m.objs(i).model.rpar;

[X,U,Y,XP] = steadycos(scs_m,[],[],[],[],1,1:$);


  • scs_m : a xcos data structure

  • X: column vector. Continuous state. Can be set to [] if zero.

  • U: column vector. Input. Can be set to [] if zero.

  • Y: column vector. Output. Can be set to [] if zero.

  • Indx : index of entries of X that are not fixed. If all can vary, set to 1:$

  • Indu : index of entries of U that are not fixed. If all can vary, set to 1:$

  • Indy : index of entries of Y that are not fixed. If all can vary, set to 1:$

  • Indxp : index of entries of XP (derivative of x) that need not be zero. If all can vary, set to 1:$. Default [].

  • param : list with two elements (default list(1.d-6,0)). param(1): scalar. Perturbation level for linearization; the following variation is used del([x;u])_i = param(1)+param(1)*1d-4*abs([x;u])_i. param(2): scalar. Time t.

  • X: steady state X

  • U: stationary input U

  • Y: output corresponding to steady state found

  • XP : derivative of the state corresponding to steady state found

File content

  • SCI/modules/scicos/macros/scicos_auto/steadycos.sci

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Last updated:
Mon Oct 01 17:39:53 CEST 2012