- Ajuda Scilab
- Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída
- chdir
- fileinfo
- get_absolute_file_path
- getrelativefilename
- newest
- sscanf
- basename
- copyfile
- createdir
- deletefile
- dir
- dirname
- dispfiles
- fileext
- fileparts
- filesep
- findfiles
- fprintf
- fprintfMat
- fscanf
- fscanfMat
- fullfile
- fullpath
- getdrives
- getlongpathname
- getshortpathname
- %io
- isdir
- isfile
- listfiles
- listvarinfile
- ls
- maxfiles
- mclearerr
- mclose
- mdelete
- meof
- merror
- mfprintf
- mscanf
- mget
- mgetl
- mgetstr
- mkdir
- mopen
- movefile
- mput
- mputl
- mputstr
- mseek
- mtell
- pathconvert
- pathsep
- pwd
- removedir
- rmdir
- save_format
- scanf
- scanf_conversion
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
format of files produced by "save"
Variables are saved by Scilab with the save function in the following format:
each variable record is appended consecutively to the file. The variable record begins with 6 long integer holding the variable name in encoded format (see the Remarks section below),
After that comes the variable type (long integer), then, depending on it, for:
- Floating matrices (type 1)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
real/complex flag it (a long integer in {0,1}),
data (n*m*(it+1) doubles)
- Polynomials (type 2) and Size implicit indices (type 129)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
real/complex flag it (long integer in {0,1}),
formal variable name (16 bytes),
index_table (m*n+1 long integers);
data ((N-1)*(it+1) doubles) , where N is the value of the last entry of the index_table
- Booleans (type 4)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer);
data (n*m long integers)
- Floating sparse matrices (type 5)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
real/complex_flag it (a long integer in {0,1}),
total_number_of_non_zero_elements nel (a long integer),
number_of_non_zero_elements_per_row (m long integers),
column_index_non_zero_elements (nel long integers),
non_zero_values (nel*(it+1) doubles)
- Boolean sparse matrices (type 6)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
unused it (a long integer),
total_number_of_non_zero_elements nel (a long integer),
number_of_non_zero_elements_per_row (m long integers),
column_index_non_zero_elements (nel long integers)
- Matlab sparse matrix (type 7)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
real/complex_flag it (a long integer in {0,1}),
total_number_of_non_zero_elements nel (a long integer),
number_of_non_zero_elements_per_column (n long integers),
row_index_non_zero_elements (nel long integers),
non_zero_values (nel*(it+1) doubles)
- Integer matrices (type 8)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
integer_type (a long integer): 1,2,4, or 11,12,14 for signed and unsigned 1,2,4 bytes integers;
data (n*m bytes for integer_type 1 or 11, n*m short integers for integer_type 2 or 12, n*m long integers for integer_type 4 or 14)
- handles (type 9)
version (4 bytes)
row_size m (a byte),
column_size n (a byte),
data (m*n serialization_records)
A serialization_record is a flat representation of the C data structure associated with the corresponding graphic object. Each graphic object is defined by a (recursive) set of properties (see the get) function).
- The saved serialization_record of a graphic object is structured as follow
type_length n (a byte)
type (n bytes, the ascii codes of the type name)
property_values record (variable length)
- Strings (type 10)
row_size m (a long integer),
column_size n (a long integer),
index_table (n*m+1 long integers);
data (N long integers, the Scilab encoding of the characters (see code2str), where N is the value of the last entry of the index_table
- Uncompiled functions (type 11)
nout (long integer),
lhs_names (6*nout long integers, see the Remarks section below),
nin (long integer),
rhs_names (6*nin long integers, see the Remarks section below);
code_length N (a long integer),
code (N long integers)
- Compiled functions (type 13)
nout (long integer),
lhs_names (6*nout long integers, see the Remarks section below),
nin (long integer),
rhs_names (6*nin long integers, see the Remarks section below),
pseudo_code_length N (a long integer),
pseudo_code (N long integers)
- Libraries (type 14)
path_length np (a long integer),
path_name (np long integers: the path character codes sequence, (see code2str)),
number of names nn (long integer),
names (6*nn long integers, see the Remarks section below);
- Lists (type 15), tlists (type 16), mlists (type 17)
number of fields n (a long integer),
index (n+1 long integers);
variables_sequence (n variables, each one written according to its format)
- Pointers (type 128)
Not handled
- Function pointers (type 130)
function_ptr (a long integer,(see funptr))
function_name_code (6 long integers,see the Remarks section below);
Numbers (long interger, short integers, double) are stored using the little endian convention.
The variable names are stored as a sequence of 6 long integers, with a specific encoding. see the cvname.f file for details.
See Also
- save — salvando variáveis em arquivos binários
- load — carrega variável salva
- listvarinfile — list the contents of a saved data file
- type — tipo de variável
- typeof — tipo do objeto
- compiled by Enrico Segre
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