Scilab 5.3.3
- Ajuda Scilab
- Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída
- chdir
- fileinfo
- get_absolute_file_path
- getrelativefilename
- newest
- sscanf
- basename
- copyfile
- createdir
- deletefile
- dir
- dirname
- dispfiles
- fileext
- fileparts
- filesep
- findfiles
- fprintf
- fprintfMat
- fscanf
- fscanfMat
- fullfile
- fullpath
- getdrives
- getlongpathname
- getshortpathname
- %io
- isdir
- isfile
- listfiles
- listvarinfile
- ls
- maxfiles
- mclearerr
- mclose
- mdelete
- meof
- merror
- mfprintf
- mscanf
- mget
- mgetl
- mgetstr
- mkdir
- mopen
- movefile
- mput
- mputl
- mputstr
- mseek
- mtell
- pathconvert
- pathsep
- pwd
- removedir
- rmdir
- save_format
- scanf
- scanf_conversion
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
variable returns standard input and standard output (file descriptor).
Calling Sequence
%io(1) %io(2)
%io(1) returns standard input (file descriptor 5).
%io(2) returns standard ouput (file descriptor 6).
file descriptor 0 is the standard error.
See Also
<< getshortpathname | Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída | isdir >> |