- Scilab help
- Elementary Functions
- bitwise
- Complex
- Discrete mathematics
- elementarymatrices
- Floating point
- Integer representation
- matrixmanipulation
- matrixoperations
- searchandsort
- setoperations
- signalprocessing
- symbolic
- Trigonometry
- abs
- amell
- and
- &
- cat
- cell2mat
- cellstr
- char
- delip
- diff
- exp
- inttrap
- isdef
- isempty
- isequal
- isequalbitwise
- isvector
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- logm
- lstsize
- max
- maxi
- min
- mini
- modulo
- ndims
- norm
- or
- |
- pertrans
- sign
- signm
- size
- sort
- sqrt
- sqrtm
- squarewave
- toeplitz
- typeof
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
- diag — 対角行列の構築または展開
- eye — 単位行列
- ind2sub — 線形添字を添字付き行列に変換
- linspace — 線形に配置されたベクトル
- logspace — 対数的間隔のベクトル
- meshgrid — 行列または3次元配列を作成
- ndgrid — 多次元関数評価用グリッドの配列
- ones — 要素が1の行列
- rand — 乱数生成
- sub2ind — 行列添字を線形添字に変換
- zeros — ゼロからなる行列
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