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Aide Scilab >> Xcos > Fonctions utilitaires Scilab

Fonctions utilitaires Scilab

  • block_parameter_errorAffiche une boîte d'erreur de saisie de paramètre pour un bloc Xcos.
  • buildouttbBuild of the sublist %cpr.state.outtb
  • create_palettePalette generator
  • getModelicaPathGet the Modelica directory path needed by Xcos diagram containing Modelica blocks
  • get_scicos_versionGet the current Scicos version
  • importXcosDiagramImport an Xcos diagram on Scilab
  • loadScicosLoad the Xcos simulation native library.
  • loadXcosLibsLoad most of the Xcos macros
  • scicos_debugSet the level of the Scicos debugging
  • var2vecTransform a scilab variable in a vector of double
  • vec2varTransform a vector of double in a scilab variable
  • xcosPalInstanciate a new Xcos palette on Scilab.
  • xcosPalAddAdd a palette to the Scilab/Xcos palette manager. Optional property can be added to set the category of the palette.
  • xcosPalAddBlockAdd a block to a Scilab/Xcos palette instance. Some optional properties can be added to customize the palette icon and the style of the block.
  • xcosPalExportExport a palette instance to a path.
<< palettes Xcos Batch functions >>

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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu May 12 11:45:01 CEST 2011