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Aide Scilab >> Graphiques > Compound_properties


description of the Compound entity properties


The Compound entity is a third of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines interdependencies of the various graphics entities and their global visibility property.


This property contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the text entity should be of the type "Axes" or "Compound".


A vector containing the handles of all graphics objects children of the Compound These graphics objects can be of type "Compound", "Rectangle", "Polyline", "Patch", "Segs", "Arc", "Grayplot",..


This field contains the visible property value for the entity . It should be "on" or "off". By default, value is "on" where graphics entities children of the Compound are drawn according to their visibility property. If "off" all children of Compound are not displayed on the screen.


This field can be use to store any scilab variable in the figure data structure, and to retreive it.

See Also

  • glue — glue a set of graphics entities into an Compound.
  • unglue — unglue a coumpound object and replace it by individual children.
  • graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures



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Last updated:
Thu May 12 11:45:00 CEST 2011