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Ajuda Scilab >> Interfaces com UMFPACK (sparse) > umf_luget


retrieve lu factors at the scilab level

Calling Sequence

[L,U,p,q,Rd] = umf_luget(LU_ptr)



a pointer to umf lu factors (L,U,p,q,R)


scilab sparse matrix


column vectors storing the permutations


vector storing the (row) scaling factors


This function may be used if you want to plot the sparse pattern of the lu factors (or if you code something which use the lu factors). The factorization provided by umfpack is of the form:

P R^(-1) A Q = LU

where P and Q are permutation matrices, R is a diagonal matrix (row scaling), L a lower triangular matrix with a diagonal of 1, and U an upper triangular matrix. The function provides the matrices L and U as Sparse scilab matrices but P and Q are given as permutation vectors p and q (in fact p is the permutation associated to P') and Rd is the vector corresponding to the diagonal of R.


// this is the test matrix from UMFPACK
A = sparse( [ 2  3  0  0  0;
              3  0  4  0  6; 
              0 -1 -3  2  0; 
              0  0  1  0  0; 
              0  4  2  0  1] );
Lup = umf_lufact(A);
[L,U,p,q,R] = umf_luget(Lup);
B = A;
for i=1:5, B(i,:) = B(i,:)/R(i); end // apply the row scaling
B(p,q) - L*U  // must be a (quasi) nul matrix

umf_ludel(Lup) // clear memory

// the same with a complex matrix
A = sparse( [ 2+%i  3+2*%i  0      0    0;
              3-%i  0       4+%i   0    6-3*%i; 
              0    -1+%i   -3+6*%i 2-%i 0; 
              0     0       1-5*%i 0    0; 
              0     4       2-%i   0    1] );
Lup = umf_lufact(A);
[L,U,p,q,R] = umf_luget(Lup);
B = A;
for i=1:5, B(i,:) = B(i,:)/R(i); end // apply the row scaling
B(p,q) - L*U  // must be a (quasi) nul matrix

umf_ludel(Lup) // clear memory

See Also

  • umfpack — solve sparse linear system
  • umf_lufact — lu factorisation of a sparse matrix
  • umf_lusolve — solve a linear sparse system given the LU factors
  • umf_ludel — utility function used with umf_lufact
  • umf_luinfo — get information on LU factors


  • umfpack by Timothy A. Davis (see umf_license)
  • scilab interface by Bruno Pincon
<< umf_lufact Interfaces com UMFPACK (sparse) umf_luinfo >>

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with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Mar 03 11:00:34 CET 2011