Scilab 5.3.1
- Ajuda Scilab
- Processamento de Sinais
- How to
- Signal
- analpf
- bilt
- buttmag
- casc
- cepstrum
- cheb1mag
- cheb2mag
- chepol
- convol
- corr
- cspect
- czt
- detrend
- dft
- ell1mag
- eqfir
- eqiir
- faurre
- ffilt
- fft
- fft2
- fftshift
- filt_sinc
- filter
- find_freq
- findm
- frfit
- frmag
- fsfirlin
- group
- hank
- hilb
- hilbert
- iir
- iirgroup
- iirlp
- intdec
- jmat
- kalm
- lattn
- lattp
- lev
- levin
- lindquist
- mese
- mfft
- mrfit
- %asn
- %k
- %sn
- phc
- pspect
- remez
- remezb
- rpem
- sincd
- srfaur
- srkf
- sskf
- syredi
- system
- trans
- wfir
- wiener
- wigner
- window
- yulewalk
- zpbutt
- zpch1
- zpch2
- zpell
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Power transmission of a Butterworth filter
Calling Sequence
- order
integer : filter order
- omegac
real : cut-off angular frequency (in rad/s)
- sample
real vector of angular frequencies (in rad/s), where the transmission must be evaluated.
- h
Butterworth filter values at sample points
squared magnitude response of a Butterworth filter
= cutoff frequency ; sample
= sample of frequencies
F. D.
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