- Manuel Scilab
- Interface graphique
- Tree
- exportUI
- getvalue
- root_properties
- x_choices
- x_choose
- x_dialog
- x_mdialog
- about
- addmenu
- clipboard
- close
- delmenu
- figure
- findobj
- gcbo
- getcallbackobject
- getinstalledlookandfeels
- getlookandfeel
- messagebox
- printfigure
- printsetupbox
- progressionbar
- setlookandfeel
- setmenu
- toolbar
- toprint
- uicontrol
- uigetcolor
- uigetdir
- uigetfile
- uigetfont
- uimenu
- uiputfile
- unsetmenu
- usecanvas
- waitbar
- x_choose_modeless
- x_matrix
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Open standard dialog box for selecting and saving file.
Calling Sequence
[FileName[,PathName[,FilterIndex]]]=uiputfile([file_mask[,dir[,boxTitle]]]) PathFileName=uiputfile([file_mask[,dir[,boxTitle]]])
Input parameters
- file_mask
a string matrix which gives the file masks to use for file selection.
is written with Unix convention. The default value is '*'.we can also add descriptions for masks, for example ["*.x*","X files";"*.bin","BIN files"].
- dir
a character string which gives the initial directory used for file search. By default uiputfile uses the previously selected directory.
- boxTitle
a character string which gives the title of the uiputfile window. By default uiputfile's title is 'uiputfile'.
Output parameters
- FileName
string which give the user selected file (path + file name) if user answers "Ok" or the " " string if user answers "Cancel".
- PathName
is the user selected file path if user answers "Ok" or the " " string if user answers "Cancel".
- FilterIndex
is the user selected filter index on the list box if user answers "Ok" or '0' string if user answers "Cancel"
Creates a dialog window for file saving.
uiputfile(["*.bin";"*.sce";"*.cos*"]) uiputfile(["*.sci";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/") uiputfile(["*.sc*";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/") uiputfile(["*.x*","X files";"*.bin","BIN files"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/") uiputfile(["*.sce";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/", "Choose a file name");
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