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See the recommended documentation of this function

Manuel Scilab >> Entrées/Sorties [fichiers] > scanf


Converts formatted input on standard input

Calling Sequence

[v_1,...v_n]=scanf (format);



Specifies the format conversion.


The scanf functions get character data on standard input (%io(1)), interpret it according to a format, and returns the converted results.

The format parameter contains conversion specifications used to interpret the input.

The format parameter can contain white-space characters (blanks, tabs, newline, or formfeed) that, except in the following two cases, read the input up to the next nonwhite-space character. Unless there is a match in the control string, trailing white space (including a newline character) is not read.

  • Any character except % (percent sign), which must match the next character of the input stream.

  • A conversion specification that directs the conversion of the next input field. see scanf_conversion for details.

<< save_format Entrées/Sorties [fichiers] scanf_conversion >>

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with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jan 26 16:24:14 CET 2011