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See the recommended documentation of this function
Variable AC voltage source
Block Screenshot
The variable voltage source block is a model for a controlled AC voltage source. This component provides a sinusoid voltage across its ports. The amplitude of the output voltage is governed by the explicit input and the frequency is defined by the user. The ohmic resistance of the block is zero.
Dialog box
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency of the output sinosoid voltage
Properties : Type 'vec' of size -1.
Default properties
Inputs :
Modelica variable name : 'p'
Implicit variable.
Modelica variable name : 'VA'
Explicit variable.
Outputs :
Modelica variable name : 'n'
Implicit variable.
Parameters :
Modelica parameter name : 'f'
Default value : 50
Is a state variable : no.
File name of the model : VVsourceAC
Interfacing function
Modelica model
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