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  • Control Design
    • Control Loop
      • augmentaugmented plant
      • feedbackfeedback operation
      • lftlinear fractional transformation
    • H-infinity
      • ccontrgCentral H-infinity continuous time controller
      • dhinfH_infinity design of discrete-time systems
      • dhnormdiscrete H-infinity norm
      • gamitgH-infinity gamma iterations for continuous time systems
      • h2normH2 norm of a continuous time proper dynamical system
      • h_clclosed loop matrix
      • h_infContinuous time H-infinity (central) controller
      • h_inf_ststatic H_infinity problem
      • h_normH-infinity norm
      • hinfH_infinity design of continuous-time systems
      • linfinfinity norm
      • linfninfinity norm
      • macglovContinuous time dynamical systems Mac Farlane Glover problem
      • nehariNehari approximant of continuous time dynamical systems
      • parrotParrot's problem
    • Linear Quadratic
      • fourplanaugmented plant to four plants
      • gcareContinuous time control Riccati equation
      • gfareContinuous time filter Riccati equation
      • leqrH-infinity LQ gain (full state)
      • lqelinear quadratic estimator (Kalman Filter)
      • lqgLQG compensator
      • lqg2stanLQG to standard problem
      • lqg_ltrLQG with loop transform recovery
      • lqiLinear quadratic integral compensator (full state)
      • lqrLQ compensator (full state)
    • Pole Placement
      • kpurecontinuous SISO system limit feedback gain
      • krac2continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
      • ppolpole placement
      • stabilstabilization
    • ddpdisturbance decoupling
    • gfrancisFrancis equations for tracking
  • Identification
    • arl2SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation
    • armaxarmax identification
    • armax1armax identification
    • findABCDdiscrete-time system subspace identification
    • findACdiscrete-time system subspace identification
    • findBDinitial state and system matrices B and D of a discrete-time system
    • findBDKKalman gain and B D system matrices of a discrete-time system
    • findRPreprocessor for estimating the matrices of a linear time-invariant dynamical system
    • findx0BDEstimates state and B and D matrices of a discrete-time linear system
    • imrep2ssstate-space realization of an impulse response
    • inistateEstimates the initial state of a discrete-time system
    • linlinearization
    • sidentdiscrete-time state-space realization and Kalman gain
    • sordercomputing the order of a discrete-time system
    • time_idSISO least square identification
  • Linear Analysis
    • Controllability Observability
    • Frequency Domain
      • blackdiagrama de Black (carta de Nichols)
      • bodeBode plot
      • bode_asympBode plot asymptote
      • calfrqfrequency response discretization
      • dbphifrequency response to phase and magnitude representation
      • freqfrequency response
      • fresonpeak frequencies
      • gainplotesboço de magnitude
      • hallchartDraws a Hall chart
      • nicholschartNichols chart
      • nyquistdiagrama de Nyquist
      • nyquistfrequencyboundsComputes the frequencies for which the nyquist locus enters and leaves a given rectangle.
      • phasemagphase and magnitude computation
      • phaseplotfrequency phase plot
      • repfreqfrequency response
      • svplotsingular-value sigma-plot
      • trzerostransmission zeros and normal rank
    • Stability
      • bstaphankel approximant
      • dtsiContinuous time dynamical systems stable anti-stable decomposition
      • evanslugar geométrico das raízes Evans
      • g_margingain margin and associated crossover frequency
      • p_marginphase margin and associated crossover frequency
      • plzrEsboço de pólo-zero
      • routh_ttabela de Routh
      • sgridesboça linhas de grid de um s-plano
      • show_marginsdisplay gain and phase margin and associated crossover frequencies
      • st_ilitystabilizability test
      • zgridesboçode um z-grid
    • Time Domain
      • arsimularmax simulation
      • csimsimulation (time response) of linear system
      • dampNatural frequencies and damping factors.
      • dsimulstate space discrete time simulation
      • fltstime response (discrete time, sampled system)
      • ltitrdiscrete time response (state space)
      • narsimularmax simulation (using rtitr)
      • rtitrdiscrete time response (transfer matrix)
    • sensisensitivity functions
  • Linear System Factorization
    • colinoutinner-outer factorization
    • copfacright coprime factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
    • dcfdouble coprime factorization
    • fspecspectral factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
    • fspecgstable factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
    • fstabstYoula's parametrization of continuous time linear dynamical systems
    • gtildtilde operation
    • lcfContinuous time dynamical systems normalized coprime factorization
    • rowinoutinner-outer factorization
    • specfactspectral factor
    • sysfactsystem factorization
  • Linear System Representation
    • abcdstate-space matrices
    • armaScilab arma library
    • arma2pextract polynomial matrices from ar representation
    • arma2sstransform an armax data structure into state space representation.
    • armacScilab description of an armax process
    • bloc2ssconversão de diagrama de blocos para espaço de estados
    • cont_frmtransfer to controllable state-space
    • des2ssdescriptor to state-space
    • des2tfdescriptor to transfer function conversion
    • frep2tftransfer function realization from frequency response
    • lsslistdefinição de função linear de espaço de estados do Scilab
    • markp2ssMarkov parameters to state-space
    • pfsspartial fraction decomposition
    • pol2desconversão de matrizes de polinômios para formas descritoras
    • sm2dessystem matrix to descriptor
    • sm2sssystem matrix to state-space
    • ss2des(polynomial) state-space to descriptor form
    • ss2ssstate-space to state-space conversion, feedback, injection
    • ss2tfconversion from state-space to transfer function
    • ss2zpSIMO state space system to zero pole gain representation
    • ssprintembelezador de sistemas lineares
    • ssrandgerador de sistema randômico
    • sysconvconversão de sistema
    • syslindefinição de sistemas lineares
    • syssizesize of state-space system
    • systmatmatriz sistema
    • tf2destransfer function to descriptor
    • tf2sstransfer to state-space
    • tf2zpSIMO transfer function to zero pole gain representation
    • trfmodexibição de zeros e pólos
    • zp2ssZero pole gain to state space
    • zp2tfZero pole gain to transfer function
    • zpkZero pole gain system representation
    • zpk2ssZero pole gain to state space
    • zpk2tfZero pole gain to transfer function
  • Matrix Computation
    • linmeqSylvester and Lyapunov equations solver
    • mucompmu (structured singular value) calculation
    • riccRiccati equation
    • riccatiSolves the matricial Riccati equation (continuous | discrete time domain)
    • signmfunção do sinal da matriz
    • sylvResolver as equações de Sylvester A*X + X*B = C ou A*X*B + X = C
  • Model Transformation
    • arhnkHankel norm approximant
    • balrealbalanced realization
    • bilingeneral bilinear transform
    • canoncanonical controllable form
    • cls2dlsbilinear transform
    • colregulremoving poles and zeros at infinity
    • dscrdiscretization of linear system
    • equilbalancing of pair of symmetric matrices
    • equil1balancing (nonnegative) pair of matrices
    • hankelsvHankel singular values
    • invsyslinsystem inversion
    • minrealminimal balanced realization
    • minssminimal realization
    • projsllinear system projection
    • rowregulremoving poles and zeros at infinity
    • zeropenzero pencil
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:52 CEST 2024