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2025.0.0 - Português


find an object with specified property


h = findobj()
h = findobj(propertyName, propertyValue)
h = findobj(propertyName, propertyValue, operator, propertyName, propertyValue, ...)
h = findobj("-property", propertyName, ...)
h = findobj(searchHandles, ...)
h = findobj(..., '-depth', d, ...)
h = findobj(..., '-flat', ...)



string character Name of the property to test (case unsensitive).


character string specify the value the tested property should be equal to (case sensitive).


character string belonging to the set {"-and", "-or", "-not"}.


Vector of graphic handles where the search is restricted to.


positive integer, the depth of the search.


handles of the found objects.


Without arguments findobj returns handles of all graphic objects and their descendants. If such an object does not exist, the function returns an empty matrix.

In most cases, findobj(propertyName, propertyValue, ...) returns all graphic handles having the property propertyName set to propertyValue. But, if propertyName is "tag", then only one graphic handle will be returned considering tags are unique. If successive property/value pairs are given the graphic handles verifing all conditions are returned, i.e. there is an implicit "-and" operator between pairs. Another operator can be explicitely given with findobj(propertyName, propertyValue, operator, propertyName, propertyValue, ...).

The priority of evaluations in a composite condition using operators can be controlled by using a cell argument, e.g. findobj({propertyName, propertyValue, ...}, operator, ...)

findobj("-property", propertyName, ...) returns the handles of objects having the property propertyName. Other conditions can be added.

By default the search is done within all figures and findobj(searchHandles, ...) restricts the search to the given handles. The depth of the search is by default infinite and can be restricted by findobj(searchHandles, '-depth', d, ...). A value of 0 restricts the search to objects given in searchHandles and does not search within descendants, this is equivalent to the "flat" optional string.


// Create a figure
// Put a text in the figure
uicontrol(h, "style","text", ...
             "string","This is a figure", ...
             "position",[50 70 100 100], ...
             "fontsize",15, ...
// Find the object which "tag" value is "Alabel"
disp("The text of the label is """+lab.string+"""");
// Create a figure
// plot something
xlabel abscissae
ylabel ordinate
title "a plot"
legend "c1" "c2" "c3"

// Find the objects having a "font_size" property
h1 = findobj("-property","font_size")
// Change the font size of all text objects
h1.font_size = 3

// Find the objects having a "thickness" property
h2 = findobj("-property","thickness")
// Change the thickness of such objects
h2.thickness = 2

See also

  • uicontrol — create a Graphic User Interface object
  • uimenu — Create a menu or a submenu in a figure
  • set — Ajusta um valor de propriedade de uma objeto entidade gráfica ou de um objeto Interface do Usuário (User Interface)
  • get — Gets the handle of a graphical or User Interface object, or the property's value of objects.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:53 CEST 2024