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polyline properties

description of the Polyline entity properties


The Polyline entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for polylines.


This field contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the polyline entity should be of the type "Axes" or "Compound".


This property contains a vector with the children of the handle. However, polyline handles currently do not have any children.


This field contains the visible property value for the entity . It should be "on" or "off" . By default, the polyline is visible, the value's property is "on". If "off" the polyline is not drawn on the screen.


This field contains the values for the x and y coordinates. Component Z is to be added in the case of three-dimensional axes. It is a two (three) column matrix [x,y,[z]] of points.


This field determines whether the polyline is closed or not: its value can be "on" or "off" (no default value, it depends on the primitive used to create the polyline).


This field contains the default line_mode property value for the polyline. Its value should be "on"(line drawn) or "off" (no line drawn).


If the polyline_style field is different of 5, fill the background of the curve with color defined by the background property.


This field contains the default line_style property value for Segs, Arcs, Rectangle and Polyline objects. line_style selects the type of line to be used to draw lines . Its value should be an integer in [1 10]. 1 stand for solid, the other values stand for a selection of dashes (dash, dash dot, longdash dot, bigdash dot, bigdash longdash, dot, double dot, longblank dot, bigblank dot). See example below.


This property is a positive real specifying the line width in pixels. The displayed width is actually determined by rounding the supplied width to the nearest integer. The only exception is vectorial export where the whole thickness value is considered.


This integer allows to set the size of arrows drawn on the polyline. The actual size of arrows is the product of the thickness and the size factor.


This property sets several polyline drawing mode:

  • If the value is 0 or 1 lines are drawn between two consecutives points.

  • If the value is 2 the polyline produces a staircase plot. Two consecutives points are linked by a horizontal line followed by a vertical line.

  • If the value is 3 the polyline produces a bar plot. For each given point (x,y) a vertical line is drawn from (x,y) to (x,0).

  • If the value is 4 arrows are drawn between two consecutives points.

  • If the value is 5 the polyline is filled (patch).

  • If the value is 6 the polyline is a Matlab-like bar object. The properties bar_shift and bar_width command its appearance.


This field contains the default foreground property used to draw the polyline. Its value should be a color index (relative to the current colormap).


This field contains the color used to fill the background of the polyline. Its value should be a color index (relative to the current colormap).


This field contains the vector of color indices used to fill in the polyline when the interp_color_mode property is set to "on". It defines the intervals of colormap indices used to fill each segment. For instance, the first segment will be filled by every colors whose index is between the first two elements of the vector. It is only applicable if the polyline is defined by 3 or 4 points. Therefore, the size of the vector must match this dimension.


This field determines if we are using the interpolated shading mode to fill the polyline : its value can be "on" or "off". Note that an interp_color_vector must be defined before switching to "on" value (see above).


This field contains the default mark_mode property value for the polyline. Its value should be "on" (marks drawn) or "off" (no marks drawn).


The mark_style property value is used to select the type of mark to use when mark_mode property is "on". The value should be an integer in [0 20] which stands for: dot, plus, cross, star, filled diamond, diamond, triangle up, triangle down, diamond plus, circle, asterisk, square, triangle right, triangle left, pentagram, triangle up/down/right/left centered on the tip, horizontal line (minus), vertical line. The figure below shows the aspects of the marks depending on the mark_style and the mark_foreground and mark_background properties.


This field contains the default mark_size_unit property value. If mark_size_unit is set to "point", then the mark_size value is directly given in points. When mark_size_unit is set to "tabulated", mark_size is computed relative to the font size array: therefore, its value should be an integer in [0 5] which stands for 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt and 24pt. Note that plot2d and pure scilab functions use tabulated mode as default ; when using plot function, the point mode is automatically enabled.


This property specifies the size of the marks displayed when the mark_mode property is "on". If its value is scalar, the same mark size is set for all points of the curve. Otherwise it must be a row with as many elements as there are points in the curve. The type of values depends on the mark_size_unit property.


This property specifies the color of the edges or details of marks. Acceptable values are indices of colors in the current figure's colormap, or -2 for white, -1 for black, or 0 for transparent edges. If its value is scalar, the same specified color is used for the marks of all points of the curve. Otherwise it must be a row with as many elements as there are points in the curve.


This property specifies the color filling the background of marks. Acceptable values are indices of colors in the current figure's colormap, or -2 for white, -1 for black, or 0 for transparent edges. If its value is scalar, the same specified color is used for the marks of all points of the curve. Otherwise it must be a row with as many elements as there are points in the curve.


This field contains the mark_offset property value which is the offset to use to draw the first mark. Its value should be an integer greater or equal to 0 (default value is 0).


This field contains the mark_stride property value which is the stride to use to draw the marks (i.e. stride-1 points are skipped between two consecutive marks). Its value should be integer greater or equal to 1 (default value is 1).


This field contains the offset computed by a call to the bar function (or re-computed by a call to barhomogenize) and is used to perform a nice vertical bar representation. Note that this offset is also taken into account for all the other polyline_style. The unit is expressed in user coordinates.


This field contains the offset computed by a call to the bar function (or re-computed by a call to barhomogenize) and is used to perform a nice horizontal bar representation. Note that this offset is also taken into account for all the other polyline_style. The unit is expressed in user coordinates.


This field contains the offset the user may specify. Note that this offset is taken into account for all the polyline_style. The unit is expressed in user coordinates.


This field determines the width of the selected polyline when its polyline_style is set to bar mode (case 6) : the unit is expressed in user coordinates.


This field contains the clip_state property value for the polyline. It should be :

  • "off" this means that the polyline is not clipped.

  • "clipgrf" this means that the polyline is clipped outside the Axes box.

  • "on" this means that the polyline is clipped outside the rectangle given by property clip_box.


This field is to determinate the clip_box property. By Default its value should be an empty matrix if clip_state is "off". Other cases the vector [x,y,w,h] (upper-left point width height) defines the portions of the polyline to display, however clip_state property value will be changed.


This field can be use to store any scilab variable in the polyline data structure, and to retrieve it.


This property contains a vector of the datatips handles related to the polyline. However, polyline handles currently do not have any children.


The value can be one of the following:

  • "always": the datatip is always displayed (default mode).
  • "mouseclick": clicking on the anchor of the datatip on the line toogles its display. The anchor is always displayed.
  • "mouseover": setting the mouse pointer over the datatip anchor on the line displays the datatip. When going away, the datatip is masked. Its anchor remains displayed.


A character string that contains a function name. This function syntax must be str=fun(datatipHandle) where datatipHandle is the handle of the datatip to be displayed. This function must return a string or a vector of strings in str.

This function can be overloaded by setting the similar property on a datatip itself.

Some datatips formatting functions are predefined:

polar_datatip_display() : set by polarplot()
formatBodePhaseTip() : set by bode()


Any Scilab data needed by the display_function function.


a=get("current_axes")//get the handle of the newly created axes

// draw and get handle on the polyline entity
p = xpoly(sin(2*%pi*(0:5)/5),cos(2*%pi*(0:5)/5),"lines",0)
p.mark_style=9;;d(1,:)=[0 0];;
a.rotation_angles=[0 45];
// draw and get handle on the polyline entity
p = xpoly(sin(2*%pi*(0:5)/5),cos(2*%pi*(0:5)/5),"lines",0)[(-2:0.1:2)' sin((-2:0.1:2)*%pi)']

See also

  • champ_properties — description of the 2D vector field entity properties
  • param3d_properties — description of the 3D curves entities properties
  • plot — 2D plot
  • set — set properties of some graphic objects or uimenus or uicontrol interactive components
  • get — Gets the handle of a graphical or User Interface object, or the property's value of objects.
  • xpoly — dessine une ligne brisée ou un polygone
  • xfpoly — remplit un polygone
  • xpolys — dessine un ensemble de lignes brisées ou de polygones
  • xfpolys — fill a set of polygons
  • graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures


5.4.0 line_style value 0 is obsolete, use 1 instead (both are equivalent for SOLID). New line_style values 9 and 10 added.
  • .mark_stride and .mark_offset properties added.
  • .datatips property added.
  • .display_function and .display_function_data properties added.
  • New property .datatip_display_mode introduced.
  • .mark_foreground, .mark_background and .mark_size can now be row vectors: Each point can have its own individual mark colors and size.
2023.0.0 line_style value 0 is no more available.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:15:59 CEST 2024