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2025.0.0 - English


(*) multiplication operator


Multiplication. Usual meaning. Valid for constant, boolean, polynomial, rational matrices and for syslin lists (the meaning is series connection).

Element-wise multiplication is denoted x.*y. If x or y is scalar (1x1 matrix) .* is the same as *.

Kronecker product is x.*.y.

A*.B is an operator with no predefined meaning. It may be used to define a new operator (see overloading) with the same precedence as * or /.

Remark that /* start to comment a block of code and */ end to comment this block.


// Basic numerical operations
2 * 2 // 4
2 * [%pi, %eps] // 6.2831853    4.441D-16
rand(2,2) * rand(2)
[1, 2; 3, 4] * [%pi,%eps; %e, %pi]
// Polynomial operations
p * q
//               2    3    4    5
//    1 + 2s + 3s + 4s + 2s + 4s
// Rational
W' * W
//    1           1
//    -         -----
//     2             2
//    s         s + s
//      1           1
//    -----     ---------
//         2              2
//    s + s     1 + 2s + s

See also

  • dot — (.) symbol
  • slash — (/) right divisions. System's feed back. Comments
  • backslash — (\) left matrix division: Exact or least square solution
  • syslin — linear system definition
  • overloading — display, functions and operators overloading capabilities
  • comments — (// or /*...*/) comments
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:05 CEST 2024