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2025.0.0 - English

Scilab keywords

  • backslash(\) left matrix division: Exact or least square solution
  • brackets [,;]Concatenation. Recipients of an assignment. Results of a function
  • colon (:)Ranging operator. Addresses all elements along an array dimension or of a list.
  • comma(,) comma; instruction, argument separator
  • comments(// or /*...*/) comments
  • comparisoncomparison, relational operators
  • dollar($) last index
  • dot(.) symbol
  • equal(=) assignment , comparison, equal sign
  • getscilabkeywordsreturns a list with all scilab keywords.
  • hat(^) exponentiation
  • less(<) less than comparison
  • minus(-) subtraction operator. Sign change
  • not(~) logical not
  • parentheses( ) left and right parenthesis
  • percent(%) special character
  • plus (+)Numerical addition. Text concatenation (gluing)
  • quote(') transpose operator, string delimiter
  • semicolon(;) ending expression and row separator
  • slash(/) right divisions. System's feed back. Comments
  • star(*) multiplication operator
  • symbolsscilab operator names
  • tilde(~) logical not
  • underscore _ignored output argument. gettext() alias
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Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:05 CEST 2024