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tests the strict global equality between several objects, without equivalences


t = isequal(a, b, ...)


a, b, ...

objects: variable of any types ; expressions of any types of results.


single boolean.


isequal compares its arguments. If all of them are equal then the function returns %t. Otherwise it returns %f.

2 objects a and b are equal whether they fulfill ALL the following conditions:

  • they must have the same type of containers: both are matrices or hypermatrices with the same data types, or lists, or cells arrays, or structures arrays, or any mlists or tlists of same types.
  • they must have the same sizes.
  • they must have the same encoding: boolean, int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, decimal, complex, sparse
  • If they are mlists or tlists such as structures, they must have the same fields in the same order.
  • They must have the same contents, the same values at the same places.
    1/%z == -1/(-%z) returns %T, while 1/%z == 2/(2*%z), isequal(1/%z, -1/(-%z)) and isequal(1/%z, 2/(2*%z)) are %F.
If at least one of these conditions is not fulfilled, the objects are considered not equal.

When comparing nested heterogeneous containers like lists, structures, cells, etc, comparisons are performed recursively.

With isequal, 2 compared NaN values are always considered not equal, according to the IEEE rule.

Comparing two objects including NaN values and considering that all NaN are equal can be done with [ans,msg]=assert_checkequal(…).


Comparisons answering %T (objects are equal):

a = [1 2];
isequal(a, [1 2])
isequal(a, 1)
isequal([1<2, %pi>%e], [3<10, %e>1])
isequal(-0, +0)
isequal([-%inf %inf], [-%inf %inf])
isequal(%z, poly(0,"z"), poly([0 1], "z", "coeff"))

// Functions "handles" can be compared:
s = sin;   isequal(s, sin)   // Built-in function
c = cosd;  isequal(c, cosd)  // Scilab function

// Comparisons are done recursively (here in nested lists):
L = list(%pi, "test", list(%t, 1/%z, 7), sin);
n = %pi; t = "test"; r = 1/%z; s = sin;
isequal(L, list(n, t, list(%t,r,7), s))

Comparisons answering %F (objects are NOT equal):

// 1) Containers must be identical:
isequal([1 %pi], {1, %pi})
isequal([1 %pi], list(1, %pi))

// 2) Encodings must be identical:
isequal([1 7], int8([1 7]))
isequal(uint8([1 7]), int8([1 7]))
isequal(int8([1 7]), int16([1 7]))

and([1 0]==[1 0*%i]) // is %T, but not as objects:
//isequal([1 0], [1 0*%i])  // bug

p = (1+%z)^3
pc = p + 0*%i
//isequal(p, pc)           // bug

s = sprand(10,10,0.1); and(s==full(s)) // is %T, but not as objects:
isequal(s, full(s))

// 3) Sizes must be identical:
isequal([7 11], [7 11]')

// 4) fields of tlists or of mlists such as structures must be in the same order:
s1 = struct("r", %pi,     "t", "Hello")
s2 = struct("t", "Hello", "r", %pi)
//isequal(s1,s2)           // bug

Results for objects including NaN values:

%nan == %nan                          // %F
isequal(%nan, %nan)                   // %F
isequal([3 %nan], [3 %nan])           // %F
assert_checkequal([3 %nan], [3 %nan]) // %T

L = list(3, "test", %z, list(1, %nan, %T));
isequal(L, L)                         // %F
assert_checkequal(L, L)               // %T

See also

  • == — comparison, relational operators
  • strcmp — compare character strings
  • NaN — not-a-number
  • assert_checkequal — Check that computed and expected are equal.
  • assert_checkfilesequal — Check that two files are equal.
  • intersect — elements or rows or columns met in both input arrays, without duplicates


6.0.0 isequalbitwise(…) removed. [ans,msg]=assert_checkequal(a,b) may be used instead.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:08 CEST 2024