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2025.0.0 - English


Check that two files are equal.


flag = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp , fileref )
flag = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp , fileref , compfun )
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfilesequal ( ... )


filecomp :

a 1-by-1 matrix of strings, the computed file.

fileref :

a 1-by-1 matrix of strings, the reference file.

compfun :

a function or a list, the comparison function (default compfun = []). If no comparison function is used, the equality operator "==" is used. See below for details.

flag :

a 1-by-1 matrix of boolean, %t if computed is close to expected, %f if not

errmsg :

a 1-by-1 matrix of strings, the error message. If flag==%t, then errormsg=="". If flag==%f, then errmsg contains the error message.


Performs silently if the files are equal. Generates an error if filecomp or fileref do not exist. Generates an error if the content of the files are not equal.

If the files are not equal,

  • if the errmsg output variable is not used, an error is generated,

  • if the errmsg output variable is used, no error is generated.

If the comparison function compfun is a function, it should have header areequal = compfun ( txtcomp , txtref ) where txtcomp is the content of the computed file, txtref is the content of the reference file and areequal is a boolean. The areequal boolean is true if the two contents are equal. If compfun is a list, it should be list (cf,a1,a2,...), where cf is a comparison function, and the arguments a1, a2, will be automatically be appended as parameters when calling cf.


// Prepare data for the tests
// fileref1 : three lines of text.
// filecomp1 : == fileref1
// filecomp2 : <> fileref1
fileref1 = fullfile(TMPDIR,"fileref.txt");
txt1 = [
"Line #1"
"Line #2"
"Line #3"
fd = mopen(fileref1,"w");
filecomp1 = fullfile(TMPDIR,"filecomp1.txt");
fd = mopen(filecomp1,"w");
filecomp2 = fullfile(TMPDIR,"filecomp2.txt");
txt2 = [
"Line #1"
"Line #4"
"Line #3"
fd = mopen(filecomp2,"w");

// A test which pass
flag = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp1 , fileref1 )
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp1 , fileref1 )

// Failure: filecomp2 <> fileref1
// Error generated
flag = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp2 , fileref1 )
// No error generated
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp2 , fileref1 )

// Prepare data for the tests
// fileref2 == filecomp3, given that comment lines are ignored.
// fileref2 <> filecomp4, given that comment lines are ignored.
// Notice that the comments are inserted at different positions in the files:
// sometimes at the beginning, sometimes in the middle.
fileref2 = fullfile(TMPDIR,"fileref2.txt");
txt = [
"// bla 2"
"Line #1"
"// bla 2"
"Line #2"
"Line #3"
fd = mopen(fileref2,"w");
filecomp3 = fullfile(TMPDIR,"filecomp3.txt");
txt = [
"Line #1"
"// bla 5168"
"Line #2"
"Line #3"
"// bla oups"
fd = mopen(filecomp3,"w");
filecomp4 = fullfile(TMPDIR,"filecomp4.txt");
txt = [
"// bla 3"
"Line #1"
"Line #4"
"// bla 5168"
"Line #3"
"// bla oups"
fd = mopen(filecomp4,"w");

// A test with a comparison function which ignores comment lines.
function otxt=myfilter(itxt)
nr = size(itxt,"r")
// This is the pattern for a comment line of the form "// blabla"
pattern = "/\/\/.*/"
k = 1
for i = 1 : nr
start = regexp(itxt(i),pattern)
if ( start == [] ) then
otxt(k) = itxt(i)
k = k + 1
function areequal=mycompfun(ctxt, etxt)
ctxt = myfilter ( ctxt )
etxt = myfilter ( etxt )
areequal = ( ctxt == etxt )
// A test which pass
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp3 , fileref2 , mycompfun )
// A test which fails
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkfilesequal ( filecomp4 , fileref2 , mycompfun )


5.4.0 Function introduced
Report an issue
<< assert_checkfalse Assert assert_checktrue >>

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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:13:15 CEST 2024