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receives data from a corresponding GOTO

Block Screenshot


The main role of the GOTO/FROM blocks is to transport signals from a block to another block without connecting them physically. The FROM block transports its received data (from the corresponding GOTO) to its output. Multiples FROM blocks can receive data from one GOTO, although a GOTO can send data to multiple FROM.

The GOTO and FROM blocks are connected by the tag parameter.

For information on the visibility and limitation of these blocks please refer to the GOTO documentation.

This block can support all the data types.


  • Tag

    The tag of the GOTO block passing the signal to this FROM block.

    Properties : Type 'str' of size -1.

Default properties

  • always active: no

  • direct-feedthrough: no

  • zero-crossing: no

  • mode: no

  • regular outputs:

    - port 1 : size [-1,-2] / type -1

  • number/sizes of activation inputs: 0

  • number/sizes of activation outputs: 0

  • continuous-time state: no

  • discrete-time state: no

  • object discrete-time state: no

  • name of computational function: from

Interfacing function

  • SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Branching/FROM.sci

See also

  • GOTO — Send input data to the corresponding FROM block
  • GotoTagVisibility — Define Scope of GOTO tag visibility
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Last updated:
Mon Jun 17 17:55:11 CEST 2024