Matrix manipulation
- Shape tests
- iscolumn — check if a variable is a column
- ismatrix — checks if an object is a non-empty 1D or 2D matrix or array
- isrow — check if a variable is a row
- isscalar — check if a variable is a scalar.
- issquare — check if a variable is a square matrix
- isvector — check if a variable is a vector
- cat — empilha matrizes ou arrays vectoriais numa hipermatriz ou hiperarray
- circshift — circularly shifts elements or subarrays of an array (regular, of structures, cells, custom)
- flipdim — reverses the order of (blocks of) rows, columns, pages.. of an array
- matrix — Muda a forma de vetores ou matrizes
- permute — permutes the dimensions of an array
- pertrans — matriz pertransposta
- resize_matrix — trim or/and extend (and cast) a matrix or hypermatrix
- squeeze — removes singleton dimensions of a ND-array
- tril — parte triangular inferior de uma matriz
- triu — triângulo superior da matriz