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2023.0.0 - Русский


set the current graphic figure (window)


f = scf()
f = scf(h)
f = scf(num)



a handle, the figure handle


a number, the figure_id


the handle of the current figure


The current figure is the destination of the graphic drawing. The scf function allows to change this current figure or to create it if it does not already exist.

scf(num) set the figure with figure_id==num as the current figure. If it does not already exist it is created.

scf(h) set the figure pointed to by the handle h as the current figure. If it does not already exist it is created.

scf() is equivalent to scf(max(winsid())+1). It may be used to create a new graphic window.


f4=scf(4); //creates figure with id==4 and make it the current one
f0=scf(0); //creates figure with id==0 and make it the current one
plot2d() //draw in current figure (id=0)
scf(f4); // set first created figure as current one
plot3d() //draw in current figure (id=4)

See also

  • set — set properties of some graphic objects or uimenus or uicontrol interactive components
  • get — Gets the handle of a graphical or User Interface object, or the property's value of objects.
  • gcf — Return handle of current graphic window.
  • clf — Clears and resets a figure or a frame uicontrol
  • winsid — возвращает список графических окон
  • graphics_entities — описание структур данных графических объектов
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Last updated:
Tue Mar 07 09:28:49 CET 2023