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converts an array into a cell array


y=num2cell(x [,dims])



a real, an integer, a boolean or a string matrix


a scalar or a vector of positive integers


a cell


num2cell converts x which is a real, a boolean, or a string matrix into a cell. If dims is not mentioned, y will have the same size as x.

But if dims is present, the dimensions of x mentioned in dims will be reduced to 1. Moreover, the dimensions of y components will be equal to the dimensions sizes of x whose numbers are in dims vector.

For example, if size(x)=[2 3 4 5 6] and dims=[2 4], then size(y)= [2 1 4 1 6], that is the sizes of the second and the fourth dimensions are reduced to 1. And size(y(i))= [1 3 1 5 1], which means that the sizes of the second and the fourth dimensions are equal to the sizes of the second and the fourth ones of x.


A = [1 2; 3 4]
M = matrix(1:24, [2 3 2 2])
c=num2cell(M,[1 2])

A = ["a", "b"; "c" "d"]

See also

  • cell — creates a cell array of empty matrices
  • cell2mat — converts a cell array into a matrix
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Last updated:
Mon Mar 27 10:12:38 GMT 2023