Data Structures
- cells
- cell — creates a cell array of empty matrices
- cell2mat — converts a cell array into a matrix
- cellstr — converts strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell array of
- iscell — checks if a variable is a cell array
- iscellstr — checks if a variable is a cell array of strings
- makecell — Creates a cell array.
- num2cell — converts an array into a cell array
- bool2s — convert boolean matrix to a zero one matrix.
- definedfields — returns an index of list's defined fields
- fieldnames — get a tlist, mlist or struct fields names
- getfield — list field extraction
- isfield — checks if the given fieldname exists in a structure or mlist or tlist
- isstruct — checks if a variable is a structure array
- list — a Scilab object and a list definition function
- list2vec — Concatenates list entries in a matrix.
- lstcat — list concatenation
- mlist — Scilab object, matrix oriented typed list
- null — deletes a list component or a field of a structure, Mlist, or Tlist
- rlist — Scilab rational fraction function definition
- setfield — change the value of an element of a mlist, tlist or list
- struct — Builds a structure or an array of structures
- tlist — Scilab object and typed list definition.
- tree_show — Displays a tree view of a list, tlist, mlist, cell or structure array, Xcos block
- vec2list — Inverse function of list2vec.