Logical operation
Block Screenshot

The Logical Operator block performs the specified logical operation on its inputs. An input value is TRUE (1) if it is nonzero and FALSE (0) if it is zero.

Number of inputs
The number of block inputs. The value must be appropriate for the selected operator.
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1
Operator: AND
The logical operator to be applied to the block inputs. Valid choices are the operators from the list.
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1
Default properties
always active: no
direct-feedthrough: yes
zero-crossing: no
mode: no
regular inputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,1] / type 1
- port 2 : size [-1,1] / type 1
regular outputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,1] / type 1
number/sizes of activation inputs: 0
number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
continuous-time state: no
discrete-time state: no
object discrete-time state: no
name of computational function: logicalop
Interfacing function
Computational function
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop_i32.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop_i16.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop_i8.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop_ui32.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop_ui16.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/logicalop_ui8.c
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