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Scilab Help >> Testing & benchmarking > Assert > assert_checkequal


Check that computed and expected are equal.


assert_checkequal ( computed , expected )
flag = assert_checkequal ( computed , expected )
[flag,errmsg] = assert_checkequal ( computed , expected )



the computed result

expected :

the expected result

flag :

a boolean, %t if computed is equal to expected, %f if not

errmsg :

a string, the error message. If flag==%t, then errormsg=="". If flag==%f, then errmsg contains the error message.


Performs silently if computed and expected are equal.

If the type of both input arguments is 1 (i.e. a matrix of real or complex numbers), we check that non-nan values are equal (matching Nan values are considered equal).

For complex numbers: We compare first the real parts. In case of equality, we compare the imaginary parts.

1/%z and 2/(2*%z) are not equal: For the time being, Scilab does not normalize equivalent rationals.

In two lists, matching void elements are considered equal.

If the comparison shows that computed is equal to expected,

  • if the errmsg output variable is not used, an error is generated,

  • if the errmsg output variable is used, no error is generated.


Tests with success:

assert_checkequal ( %T , %T );
[flag , errmsg] = assert_checkequal ( [%T %F], [%T %F] );
assert_checkequal ( %nan , %nan );
c = complex(1, %nan)
assert_checkequal (c, c);
assert_checkequal ( sparse(%nan) , sparse(%nan) );
assert_checkequal ( 2:$-1, 2:$-1 );

assert_checkequal ( ["abc" "" ascii([9 10 13])],  ["abc" "" ascii([9 10 13])] );
assert_checkequal ( [gdf(), gda()], [gdf(), gda()]);

assert_checkequal ( list() , list() );
assert_checkequal ( list(1,,3), list(1,,3) );
assert_checkequal ( list(1,,list(,4)), list(1,,list(,4)) );
assert_checkequal ( list(%nan,,7) , list(%nan,,7) );

sine = sin;
assert_checkequal ( sin, sine );
cosinus = cosd;
assert_checkequal ( cosinus, cosd );
assert_checkequal( iolib, iolib );

Tests with failure:

assert_checkequal ( %F , %T );
flag = assert_checkequal ( %F , %T );
// No error produced :
[flag , errmsg] = assert_checkequal ( %F , %T )

assert_checkequal ( [1 2], [3 4] )
assert_checkequal ( 1 , [2 3] )
assert_checkequal ( 1 , "b" )
assert_checkequal ( "b", "B" )
assert_checkequal ( 1+%s, 1+%z )
assert_checkequal ( 1/%s, 2/(2*%s) )

assert_checkequal (list(2,,7), list(2,%F,8));
assert_checkequal ( [gdf(), gda()], [gdf(), gdf()] );
assert_checkequal ( sind, cosd );
assert_checkequal ( iolib, corelib );
--> assert_checkequal (list(2,,7), list(2,%F,8));
at line    22 of function assert_generror   ( SCI\modules\..\assert_generror.sci line 33 )
at line   178 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\..\assert_checkequal.sci line 190 )

assert_checkequal: Assertion failed: expected(2)= F  while computed(2)= (void)

--> assert_checkequal ( [gdf(), gda()], [gdf(), gdf()] );
at line    22 of function assert_generror   ( SCI\modules\..\assert_generror.sci line 33 )
at line   178 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\..\assert_checkequal.sci line 190 )

assert_checkequal: Assertion failed: expected(2)= Figure(uid:55)  while computed(2)= Axes(uid:85)

--> assert_checkequal ( sind, cosd );
at line    22 of function assert_generror   ( SCI\modules\..\assert_generror.sci line 33 )
at line    82 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\..\assert_checkequal.sci line 94 )

assert_checkequal: Assertion failed: expected= cosd()  while computed= sind()

--> assert_checkequal ( iolib, corelib );
at line    22 of function assert_generror   ( SCI\modules\..\assert_generror.sci line 33 )
at line    95 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\..\assert_checkequal.sci line 107 )

assert_checkequal: Assertion failed: expected= lib@SCI\modules\core\macros\  while ..
                                     computed= lib@SCI\modules\io\macros\


5.4.0 Function introduced
  • The comparison of two implicit lists, Scilab functions, Scilab libraries, built-in functions or graphic handles is now always possible and properly done.
  • In two lists, void and Nan elements are now supported, and matching ones are considered as equal.
  • Nan are now supported in input sparse matrices and are considered as equal.
  • When the test fails while inputs are arrays, the message now indicates the index of the first mismatching element.


"Automated Software Testing for Matlab", Steven Eddins, 2009

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Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:49:23 CET 2020