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Ajuda do Scilab >> IGU > saveGui


Save a graphic user interface in a file


saveGui(fig, filename)



handle, the handle of the current figure


character string containing the path of the file


The saveGui function can be used to save a graphic user interface in a file and reloaded by the loadGui function.

saveGui(f, filename) save a current graphic handle f in file defined by filename. If the operation failed an error message in the Scilab console will be printed.


// First example
f = figure("background", -2);
h = uicontrol(f, "style", "text", ...
              "string", "This is a figure", ...
              "position", [210 180 300 100], ...
              "fontsize", 24, ...
              "backgroundcolor", [1 1 1]);

saveGui(f, fullfile(TMPDIR, "foo"))
loadGui(fullfile(TMPDIR, "foo"));

// Second example
f = figure("default_axes", "off", ...
           "dockable", "off", ...
           "figure_name", "Sélection", ...
           "axes_size", [200 200], ...
           "infobar_visible", "off", ...
           "menubar_visible", "off", ...
           "toolbar", "none", ...
           "toolbar_visible", "off", ...
           "layout", "gridbag");

h1 = uicontrol(f, "style", "text", ...
                "string", "Following List :", ...
                "fontsize", 15, ...
                "constraints", createConstraints("gridbag", [1 1 2 1], [1 0], "both"));

h2 = uicontrol(f, "style", "popupmenu", ...
                "string", ["item1"; "item2"; "item3"], ...
                "value", 1, ...
                "fontsize", 15, ...
                "constraints", createConstraints("gridbag", [1 2 2 1], [1 0], "both"), ...
                "tag", "selection");

h3 = uicontrol(f, "style", "pushbutton", ...
                "string", "OK", ...
                "callback", "obj = findobj(""tag"", ""selection""); mprintf(""La valeur sélectionnée est : %s.\n"", obj.string(obj.value)); close(gcf())", ...
                "fontsize", 15, ...
                "constraints", createConstraints("gridbag", [1 3 1 1], [1 0], "both", "left"));

h4 = uicontrol(f, "style", "pushbutton", ...
                "string", "CANCEL", ...
                "callback", "close(gcf())", ...
                "fontsize", 15, ...
                "constraints", createConstraints("gridbag", [2 3 1 1], [1 0], "both", "right"));

saveGui(f, "TMPDIR/foo2.xml");

See also

  • loadGui — Load a graphic user interface from a saved file
  • load — Loads some archived variables, a saved graphic figure, a library of functions
  • save — Saves some chosen variables in a binary data file


5.5.0 Function saveGui introduced.
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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Feb 14 15:00:47 CET 2019