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Scilab Help >> Input/Output functions > load


Loads some archived variables, a saved graphic figure, a library of functions


load(filename, x1,...,xn)



path and name of the single file where archived variables are stored. Any prepended "SCI", "TMPDIR", "SCIHOME" or "home" word being a predefined Scilab variable is expanded into its value.


name(s) -- given as strings -- of Scilab variable(s) to be recovered.


Archived variables

The load command can be used to reload in the Scilab session variables previously saved in a file with the save command.

load(filename,'x','y') loads only variables x, y.

  • The list of variables stored in a file can be retrieved with the listvarinfile function.

  • load() loads restores variables in the current scope (not on the global one).

  • If a variable to be loaded is not in the file, an error is generated.

  • If a restored variable has the same name as an existing variable of the current scope, the current variable is silently overwritten.
  • When a variable to be restored is a graphic handle/identifier, the corresponding graphic entity is drawn with the current graphic driver.

  • The SOD binary format used by Scilab 6 to save (and load) variables is based on the HDF5 format. It is fully documented and easy to read through HDF5 libraries or applications.

  • Data files written with Scilab from other operating systems and architectures (little and big endian) are portable and accepted.

Graphic figures *.scg

Any graphic figure can be saved in its whole either with save() through its identifier as a variable (as decribed hereabove), or with xsave() or the File => Save figure's Menu, that do the same. The preferred (but not mandatory) file extension is .scg (for SCilab Graphics). Then, load(..) or xload() may be used to restore saved figures. When using save(..), several figures may be saved in the same file.

Each restored figure gets a new incremented #id, so usually not the original one.

Figures including some interactive (uicontrol) components are fully restored.

lib files: libraries of functions in Scilab language

genlib(..) allows to compile a set of *.sci files and bundle compiled binaries into a library described in a file always named lib.

Then, load("/path/to/lib") allows to load the library in the session. All its functions become available at the level where load(..) is called.

When loading a library, load(..) silently creates a variable representing it. Its name is registered in the lib file (that is XML formatted), in the <scilablib name="..."> tag.

The library's name can be retrieved with getPreferencesValue("/scilablib", "name", "/path/to/lib"), where "/path/to/lib" is replaced with the actual pathname of the lib file.

Scilab 6 can load data saved with Scilab>=5.4 in SOD format.

Data saved in the old Scilab<5.4 format can't be directly loaded: Scilab 5.5.2 must be used as an intermediate to load them from the old format and save them to the SOD format, which can be loaded in Scilab 6.


With arrays of regular data types:

d = rand(3,4,2);
b = d < 0.5;
i = int8((d-0.5)*100);
t = string(i);
p = (1-%z).^0:2;
r = p./%z;
s = sprand(3,5, 0.3);
save("TMPDIR/val.dat", "b", "i", "d", "t", "s", "p", "r");
clear d i b t s p r
d, i, b, t, s, p, r

Overwriting permanent variables is forbidden when loading:

save("TMPDIR/val.dat", "%e");
--> load("TMPDIR/val.dat");
Redefining permanent variable.

With graphic handles:

clf reset
subplot(1,3,1), plot2d(), a1 = gca();
subplot(1,3,2), hist3d()
subplot(1,3,3), plot3d(), a3 = gca();
save(TMPDIR+"/test.scg", "a3", "a1")
clf reset
--> load("TMPDIR/val.dat");
Redefining permanent variable.

Loading a library of functions compiled in Scilab language:

path = "SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Threshold/lib";
getPreferencesValue("/scilablib", "name", path)
--> getPreferencesValue("/scilablib", "name", path)
 ans  =

 --> Thresholdlib
 Thresholdlib  =
Functions files location : SCI\modules\scicos_blocks\macros\Threshold\.

xcos() must be used to load a simulation diagram:

path = "SCI/modules/xcos/examples/derivative.zcos";
load(path)  // => error

See also

  • listvarinfile — lists variables stored in a binary archive (names, types, sizes..)
  • loadGui — Load a graphic user interface from a saved file
  • xload — load a saved graphics
  • lib — loads a library of Scilab functions and variables, and sets its name
  • xcos — Block diagram editor and GUI for the hybrid simulator
  • loadmatfile — loads a Matlab V6 MAT-file (binary or ASCII) into Scilab
  • save — Saves some chosen variables in a binary data file
  • save_format — format of files produced by "save"
  • exec — script file execution


5.0.0 All uimenu or uicontrol handles are also loaded by this function.
  • The load function is able to handle both Scilab 5 and SOD (Scilab 6 format) by default.
  • The Scilab 5.X format is deprecated.
  • Using load with a file descriptor as first input argument is deprecated.
  • load() is no longer able to handle data files saved with the Scilab < 5.4 format.
  • The syntaxes load(fid) and load(fid, x1,..) with a file id are no longer supported.
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Last updated:
Thu Feb 14 14:57:21 CET 2019