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Scilabヘルプ >> Graphics > figure_operations > pixel_drawing_mode


Figure's property setting the RGBwise pixels update mode when drawing


Pixels colors are RGB encoded. Each R, G or B channel has an uint(8) value on [0, 255].

The pixel_drawing_mode is a figure property that specifies a RGBwise operation applied on every pixel of the incoming object, between RGB values of the input pixel color and RGB values the already existing pixel color of the figure. The result of this operation sets the new pixel color.

  • src is the incoming color of the pixel.
  • cur is the current color of the pixel (which is already drawn).
Possible case-sensitive values for pixel_drawing_mode are listed herebelow.
  • NOT v means 255 - v
  • a AND b means a & b
  • a OR b means a | b
  • a XOR b means (a OR b) AND NOT (a AND b)

Value result
"copy" (default) src
"copyInverted" NOT src
"noop" cur
"invert" NOT cur
"set" White
"clear" Black
"equiv" cur XOR (NOT src)
"xor" cur XOR src
"or" cur OR src
"orInverted" cur OR (NOT src)
"orReverse" (NOT cur) OR src
"nor" NOT (cur OR src)
"and" cur AND src
"andInverted" cur AND (NOT src)
"andReverse" (NOT cur) AND src
"nand" NOT (cur AND src)


pxmodes = ["copy", "copyInverted", "equiv", "xor", ..
            "and", "nand", "andReverse", "andInverted", ..
            "or", "nor", "orReverse", "orInverted", ..
            "noop", "set", "clear", "invert" ..
// sizes, and overlaying margins of figures
s = 300;
hm = 8;
vm = 52;
for k = 16:-1:1
    m = pxmodes(k);

    // Position of the figure
    i = fix((k-1)/4);
    j = modulo(k-1,4);

    // Creating the figure
    f = figure("toolbar_visible","off", ..
               "menubar_visible","off", ..
               "infobar_visible","off", ..
               "figure_position", [j*(s-hm), i*(s-vm)], ..
               "figure_size", [s s], ..
               "background", color("grey85"), ..
               "pixel_drawing_mode", m ..

    // Setting the axes
    b = 0.82;
    plot2d([],[],0,"051"," ",[-1 -1 1 1]*b)
    plot2d([-1 1]*b,[0 0])
    a = gca();
    a.isoview = "on";
    a.tight_limits = "on";

    // Drawing 3 overlaying colored disks
    xfarc(-0.7, 0.8, 1, 1, 0, 360*64)
    e = gce();
    e.background = color("red");
    e.fill_mode = "on";

    xfarc(-0.2, 0.5, 1, 1, 0, 360*64)
    e = gce();
    e.background = color("blue");
    e.fill_mode = "on";

    xfarc(-0.7,  0.2, 1, 1, 0, 360*64)
    e = gce();
    e.background = color("green");
    e.fill_mode = "on";

// Removing all figures
b = messagebox(_("Press OK to close all figures"),_("End of demo"), "question", "modal");
w = winsid();

See also

  • Figure properties — グラフィックエンティティプロパティの説明
  • colordef — Set the color look-and-feel of a given or of all forthcoming graphic figures
  • lighting — 照明の概要
  • Matplot — 行列のカラー二次元プロット
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Last updated:
Mon Feb 12 23:12:41 CET 2018