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Ajuda do Scilab >> Funções Elementares > Matrix operations > cumsum


soma cumulativa

Seqüência de Chamamento

y=cumsum(x,'r') or y=cumsum(x,1)
y=cumsum(x,'c') or y=cumsum(x,2)



vetor ou matrix (de reais ou complexos)


vetor ou matrix (de reais ou complexos)


Para um vetor ou uma matriz x, y=cumsum(x) retorna em y a soma cumulativa de todas as entradas de x tomadas coluna a coluna.

y=cumsum(x,'r') (ou, equivalentemente, y=cumsum(x,1)) retorna em y a soma cumulativa das linhas de x: y(:,i)=cumsum(x(:,i))


y=cumsum(x,'c') (ou, equivalentemente, y=cumsum(x,2)) retorna em y a soma cumulativa das colunas de x: y(i,:)=cumsum(x(i,:))


if orientation is equal to n then:

y=cumsum(x,"*") is equivalent to y=cumsum(x)

y=cumsum(x,'m') é a soma cumulativa ao longo da primeira dimensão "não-singleton" de x (para compatibilidade com o Matlab).

The outtype argument rules the way the summation is done:

  • For arrays of floats, of polynomials, of rational fractions, the evaluation is always done using floating points computations. The "double" or "native" options are equivalent.

  • For arrays of integers,

    if outtype="native" the evaluation is done using integer computations (modulo 2^b, where b is the number of bits used),

    if outtype="double" the evaluation is done using floating point computations.

    The default value is outtype="native".

  • For arrays of booleans,

    if outtype="native" the evaluation is done using boolean computations ( + is replaced by |),

    if outtype="double" the evaluation is done using floating point computations (%t values are replaced by 1 and %f values by 0).

    The default value is outtype="double".

This function applies, with identical rules to sparse matrices.


for k=2:m;w(k,:)=w(k-1,:)+a(k,:);end;w-cumsum(a,'r')

Ver Também

  • cumprod — produto cumulativo
  • sum — soma (soma linha, soma coluna) de entradas de um vetor ou matriz
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 14 15:09:42 CET 2017