Scilab 6.0.0
- Aide de Scilab
- Entrées/Sorties [fichiers]
- Répertoire
- Chemins - nom de fichiers
- copyfile
- deletefile
- dispfiles
- fileinfo
- findfiles
- fprintfMat
- fscanfMat
- getmd5
- getURL
- %io
- isfile
- listfiles
- listvarinfile
- mclearerr
- mclose
- mdelete
- meof
- merror
- mfprintf
- mfscanf
- mget
- mgetl
- mgetstr
- mopen
- movefile
- mput
- mputl
- mputstr
- mseek
- mtell
- newest
- save format
- scanf
- scanf_conversion
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
list of variables in a saved data file
listvarinfile(filename) [names, typs, dims, vols] = listvarinfile(filename)
- filename
a character string, the pathname of the file to be inspected.
- nams
a matrix of strings, names of the variables saved in the file.
- dims
a list, dimensions of the variables saved in the file.
- typs
a numeric matrix, types of the variables saved in the file.
- vols
a numeric matrix, size in bytes of the variables saved in the file.
This utility function lists "a la whos" the variables contained in a Scilab data file produced by save.
![]() | Hypermatrices are reported as plain mlists;
rationals and state-spaces are reported as plain tlists;
graphic handles are not recognized. |
See also
- whos — liste des variables courantes dans un format détaillé
- save — Save a variable or a serie of variables in a binary file
- load — Load a saved variable or a serie of variables
- save_format — format of files produced by "save"
- type — Retourne le type d'une variable
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