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Aide de Scilab >> Fonctions Elémentaires > Manipulation de matrices > permute


permute the dimensions of an array

Calling Sequence




a scalar or a vector of positive reals.


a scalar, a vector, a matrix or a multi-array.


Permutes the dimensions of an array according to dims.

Input argument dims must be a valid permutation where dimension #i becomes #dims(i).


//example 1:
x=[1 2 3;4 5 6]
y=permute(x,[2 1])

//example 2:
y=permute(x,[3 1 2])

x = matrix(1:12, [3 2 2])
y = permute(x, [3 4 1 2])
// Dimensions are changed according to dims
// #1=rows    becomes #3=pages
// #2=columns becomes #4=books
// #3=pages   becomes #1=rows
// #4=books   becomes #2=columns

See Also

  • pertrans — Transposition selon la seconde diagonale
  • quote — opérateur de transposition, délimiteur de chaîne de caractères
  • cat — concatenate several arrays
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Last updated:
Wed Apr 01 10:21:38 CEST 2015