Scilab 5.5.1
- Ajuda do Scilab
- Funções de Compatibilidade
- mtlb_mode
- firstnonsingleton
- mstr2sci
- mtlb_0
- mtlb_a
- mtlb_all
- mtlb_any
- mtlb_axis
- mtlb_beta
- mtlb_box
- mtlb_close
- mtlb_colordef
- mtlb_cumprod
- mtlb_cumsum
- mtlb_dec2hex
- mtlb_delete
- mtlb_diag
- mtlb_diff
- mtlb_dir
- mtlb_double
- mtlb_e
- mtlb_echo
- mtlb_eval
- mtlb_exist
- mtlb_eye
- mtlb_false
- mtlb_fft
- mtlb_fftshift
- mtlb_find
- mtlb_findstr
- mtlb_fliplr
- mtlb_fopen
- mtlb_format
- mtlb_fprintf
- mtlb_fread
- mtlb_fscanf
- mtlb_full
- mtlb_fwrite
- mtlb_grid
- mtlb_hold
- mtlb_i
- mtlb_ifft
- mtlb_imp
- mtlb_int16
- mtlb_int32
- mtlb_int8
- mtlb_is
- mtlb_isa
- mtlb_isfield
- mtlb_isletter
- mtlb_isspace
- mtlb_l
- mtlb_legendre
- mtlb_linspace
- mtlb_logic
- mtlb_logical
- mtlb_lower
- mtlb_max
- mtlb_min
- mtlb_more
- mtlb_num2str
- mtlb_ones
- mtlb_plot
- mtlb_prod
- mtlb_rand
- mtlb_randn
- mtlb_rcond
- mtlb_realmax
- mtlb_realmin
- mtlb_s
- mtlb_setstr
- mtlb_size
- mtlb_sort
- mtlb_strcmp
- mtlb_strcmpi
- mtlb_strfind
- mtlb_strrep
- mtlb_sum
- mtlb_t
- mtlb_toeplitz
- mtlb_tril
- mtlb_triu
- mtlb_true
- mtlb_uint16
- mtlb_uint32
- mtlb_uint8
- mtlb_upper
- mtlb_var
- mtlb_zeros
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
character string matrix to character matrix conversion
Calling Sequence
- txt
character string or string matrix
- a
character vector or matrix
This function converts a Scilab character string to a vector of characters. Result is the Scilab equivalent for a Matlab string.
![]() | Caution: mstr2sci has not to be used for hand coded functions. |
See Also
- Matlab-Scilab_character_strings — Generally speaking about...
Report an issue | ||
<< firstnonsingleton | Funções de Compatibilidade | mtlb_0 >> |