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Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions > Elementary matrices > diag


diagonal including or extracting

Calling Sequence

[y]=diag(vm, [k])



vector or matrix (full or sparse storage)


integer (default value 0)


vector or matrix


for vm a (row or column) n-vector diag(vm) returns a diagonal matrix with entries of vm along the main diagonal.

diag(vm,k) is a (n+abs(k))x(n+abs(k)) matrix with the entries of vm along the kth diagonal. k=0 is the main diagonal k>0 is for upper diagonals and k<0 for lower diagonals.

For a matrix vm, diag(vm,k) is the column vector made of entries of the kth diagonal of vm. diag(vm) is the main diagonal of vm. diag(diag(x)) is a diagonal matrix.

If vm is a sparse matrix diag(vm,k) returns a sparse matrix.

To construct a diagonal linear system, use sysdiag.

Note that eye(A).*A returns a diagonal matrix made with the diagonal entries of A. This is valid for any matrix (constant, polynomial, rational, state-space linear system,...).



diag(A)  // main diagonal

diag(sparse(1:10))  // sparse diagonal matrix

// form a tridiagonal matrix of size 2*m+1
m=5;diag(-m:m) +  diag(ones(2*m,1),1) +diag(ones(2*m,1),-1)

See Also

  • sysdiag — Create a block diagonal matrix from provided inputs or block diagonal system connection
  • sparse — sparse matrix definition
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 02 13:46:47 CEST 2014