Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Element-wise vector multiplication/division
Block Screenshot

That bloc computes element-wise multiplication or division of its vector inputs. The number of inputs and operation are specified with the Number of inputs or sign vector parameter.
To multiply all the inputs between them, set this parameter to the number of inputs.
To multiply/divide the input ui, set in this parameter a vector k with k[i] = +1 (multiply) or -1 (divide) for the input ui.
Dialog box

Number of inputs or sign vector
Enter the number of inputs.
Properties : Type 'vec' of size 1
Default properties
always active: no
direct-feedthrough: yes
zero-crossing: no
mode: no
regular inputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,1] / type 1
- port 2 : size [-1,1] / type 1
regular outputs:
- port 1 : size [-1,1] / type 1
number/sizes of activation inputs: 0
number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
continuous-time state: no
discrete-time state: no
object discrete-time state: no
name of computational function: product
Interfacing function
Computational function
SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/product.c (Type 4)
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