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See the recommended documentation of this function

Aide de Scilab >> Graphiques > Gestion des couleurs > color


returns the color id of a color

Calling Sequence




name of a color.


RGB integer values of a color.


id of the color.


color returns the color id corresponding to its argument:

  • name must be the name of a known color (see color_list).

  • r, g and b must be integers between 0 and 255 corresponding to colors components red, green and blue. As usual 0 means no intensity and 255 means all the intensity of the color.

If the requested color does not exist in the current colormap it is added to the colormap. If no window exists, the color is added to the default figure colormap.

This function can be used to specify the foreground or background colors when plotting.


// using existing colors
// new colors: there are added to the colormap
e=gce(); p1=e.children(1); p2=e.children(2);
p1.foreground=color("purple"); p2.foreground=color("navy blue");
// using RGV values

See Also

  • colormap — using colormaps
  • color_list — list of named colors
  • getcolor — opens a dialog to show colors in the current colormap
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Last updated:
Fri Apr 11 14:14:55 CEST 2014